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  • Criteria for determining pr...
    Đuka, Andreja; Pentek, Tibor; Tomašić, Željko; Janeš, David; Bumber, Zoran; Papa, Ivica; Poršinsky, Tomislav

    Šumarski list (1945), 12/2017, Letnik: 141, Številka: 11-12
    Journal Article

    In any planning, so even when planning the network of forest roads, it is an imperative to know the existing situation, and to have a detailed and accurate insight into the existing forest road network of the forest area in the process of opening, usually enabled by the forest traffic infrastructure registry. To validate the quantity of the existing forest traffic infrastructure (road density), it is necessary to precisely and unambiguously define the criteria for determining the density of existing forest traffic infrastructure. In Croatian forestry, the currently valid criteria for determining the density of primary forest traffic infrastructure are defined by the »Technical Requirements for Economic Roads« (Šikić et al. 1989), which are summarised in the Forestry Management Regulations (NN 111/06, NN 141/08) and (NN 79/15). The criteria mentioned are insufficiently precise and unclear, which leaves the forestry experts to make a series of subjective decisions in calculating the density of primary forest traffic infrastructure. To avoid/reduce any subjectivity, to obtain objective data and to make comparability of the calculated primary traffic infrastructure density of different management units, a set of completely criteria have been developed that will serve to accurately, objectively and transparently determine primary forest traffic infrastructure density. The criteria have been developed and described in detail in the Form for the Effectiveness Study of Primary Forest Road Traffic Infrastructure, an integral part of the Bylaw on measure implementation M04 »Investments in physical assets«, by-measure 4.3 »Grant for investments in development, modernization and customization of agriculture and forestry«, operation type 4.3.3. »Investments in forest infrastructure« from the Program of Rural Development in the Republic of Croatia in the period from 2014 to 2020 (NN 106/15, 65/17). The most frequent/characteristical examples of the application of criteria in determining the primary forest traffic infrastructure density are presented in the paper based on orthophoto maps together with photographs (image part of the primary forest traffic infrastructure registry from case studies). Pri svakom je planiranju, pa tako i pri planiranju mreže šumskih prometnica, vrlo važno poznavati postojeće stanje, odnosno imati detaljan i točan uvid u postojeću mrežu šumskih prometnica područja zahvata otvaranja šuma, što omogućuje registar šumske prometne infrastrukture. Želi li se valjano procijeniti kvantiteta postojeće šumske prometne infrastrukture (gustoća šumskih prometnica), potrebno je jasno i nedvosmisleno definirati kriterije određivanja gustoće postojeće šumske prometne infrastrukture. U hrvatskome šumarstvu, trenutno važeće kriterije za određivanja gustoće primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture definiraju »Tehnički uvjeti za gospodarske ceste« (Šikić i dr. 1989), koji su u sažetom obliku uključeni u Pravilnike o uređivanju šuma (NN 111/06, NN 141/08) te (NN 79/15). Spomenuti su kriteriji nedovoljno precizni i nejasni te šumarskim stručnjacima prepuštaju donošenje niza subjektivnih odluka. Kako bi se izbjegla/smanjila svaka subjektivnost, dobili objektivni podaci te omogućila usporedivost izračunate gustoće primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture različitih gospodarskih jedinica, prišlo se izradi potpuno novih kriterija koji će poslužiti za precizno, objektivno i transparentno određivanje gustoće primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture. Kriteriji su razvijeni i detaljno opisani u okviru Obrasca za izradu Elaborata učinkovitosti mreže šumskih prometnica – primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture, koji je sastavni dio Pravilnika o provedbi mjere M04 »Ulaganja u fizičku imovinu«, podmjere 4.3. »Potpora za ulaganja u infrastrukturu vezano uz razvoj, modernizaciju i prilagodbu poljoprivrede i šumarstva«, tipa operacije 4.3.3. »Ulaganje u šumsku infrastrukturu« iz Programa ruralnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje 2014. – 2020. (NN 106/15, 65/17). U radu su na ortosnimkama prikazani te združeni sa fotografijom (slikovni dio registra primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture iz studije slučaja) najčešći/karakteristični primjeri primjene kriterija pri određivanju gustoće primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture.