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  • Exhaled Breath Condensate p...
    Ljubičić, Anita; Varnai, Veda Marija; Vučemilo, Marija; Matković, Kristina; Milić, Dinka; Macan, Jelena

    Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 2014-September, Letnik: 56, Številka: 9
    Journal Article

    OBJECTIVE:The noninvasive biomarkers of respiratory impairment were assessed in 15 swine confinement (SC) workers and 9 respiratory healthy, nonsmoking volunteers (HV). METHODS:Spirometry, fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), and exhaled breath condensate (EBC) pH were assessed in SC workers after one working shift and one working week and in HV after 5-hour exposure in SC. RESULTS:Half of the respiratory symptoms (in 8 of 15 SC workers) were work-related. Basal FeNO values were 7.5 ppb higher in the SC workers compared with HV. In the SC workers, EBC pH increased for 0.17 at the end of a working week (P < 0.001). In HV, 5-hour exposure in SC induced 8% drop in forced expiratory flow at 25% of the pulmonary volume (FEF25) (P = 0.008), EBC pH drop for 0.10 units (P = 0.003), and FeNO drop by 1.8 ppb (P = 0.047). CONCLUSIONS:EBC pH was suggested as a biomarker of acute airway acidification in HV, whereas the SC workers showed signs of the “healthy worker effect.”