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  • Percepcija utjecaja pandemi...
    Jelaš, I Glavina; Karlović, R; Pačelat, J

    Sigurnost, 2023, Letnik: 65, Številka: 1
    Journal Article, Paper

    Cilj rada bio je ispitivanje policijske percepcije utjecaja pandemije COVID-19 na policijske službenike i policijski posao te stres, mentalno zdravlje, zadovoljstvo životom i poslom kao i ispitivanje policijske percepcije ponašanja građana u vrijeme najstrožih restriktivnih mjera Stožera civilne zaštite u RH. Istraživanje je provedeno na 693 hrvatska policijska službenika. U svrhu istraživanja kreiran je upitnik od 5 subskala kojima se ispitivala policijska percepcija ponašanja građana, funkcioniranja policijskog sustava, promjena u svakodnevnim navikama, pogleda u budućnost te mentalno zdravlje. Rezultati su pokazali da u vrijeme najstrožih restriktivnih mjera većina policajaca nije percipirala značajne promjene u pogledu vlastitog mentalnog zdravlja niti svakodnevnog ritma i navika. Većina policajaca procjenjuje kako je opseg posla bio veći te da im je njegovo svakodnevno obavljanje bilo teže u usporedbi s vremenom prije pandemije. Dalje, pokazalo se da su težina posla, briga o plaći, tjeskoba, privatni život, svakodnevne navike i briga o zdravlju bližnjih značajni prediktori razine policijskog stresa, dok su briga o plaći, stres, privatni život, svakodnevne navike i policijska solidarnost značajni prediktori njihovog zadovoljstva životom. Poštovanje policije od strane građana, oprema, policijska solidarnost, privatni život i stres bili su značajni prediktori policijskog zadovoljstva poslom. Policajci su percipirali kako su građani bili iziritirani, napeti, zabrinuti i da su imali mnogo više upita u usporedbi s vremenom prije pandemije te da su zbog pandemije više poštovali policiju i policijske ovlasti. Rad pruža uvid u policijsku percepciju o suočavanju s COVID-19 pandemijom na osobnoj razini, razini sustava te šireg društva. Detaljniji zaključci i implikacije navedeni su u radu. The aim of this paper was the examination of the police perception of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on police officers and police work - their stress, mental health, life and work satisfaction as well as to examine the police perception of citizens' behaviour during the strictest restrictive measures due to pandemic in Croatia. Research was conducted on a sample of N = 693 Croatian police officers. For the research, a questionnaire was created and was consisted of 5 subscales which examined police perception of citizens' behaviour; functioning of the police system; change in daily habits; looks to the future and mental health of police officers. The study was preceded by a preliminary study (N = 44). The results showed that at the time of the most severe restrictive rules, most police officers did not perceive significant changes in their own mental health. They also estimated that daily rhythm and habits were as same as before, except for example, they saw their loved ones less often. Most police officers estimated that the scope of work was higher and that it was more difficult compared to the time before the pandemic, but that they performed it well and that they managed well challenges of the pandemic. Furthermore, work severity, worries about pay, anxiety, private life, daily habits, and caring about the health of loved ones have been shown to be significant predictors of police stress levels. Concern about pay, stress, private life, daily habits and police solidarity have also been shown to be significant predictors of their life satisfaction. And the latest regression analysis showed that respect for the police by citizens, equipment, police solidarity, private life and stress were significant predictors of police job satisfaction at the time of the most severe restrictive rules during a pandemic. Regarding the police perception of citizens' behaviour - police officers perceived that citizens were irritated, tense, worried and had many more inquiries compared to the time before the pandemic. They also believed that citizens respected police and police powers more and that they respected pandemic rules and instructions.