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  • Pravni status sudionika u k...
    Vuleta, Dean

    Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, 10/2020, Letnik: 57, Številka: 4
    Journal Article, Paper

    Specifične, kompleksne i problematične situacije koje se javljaju u postupku ovrhe na brodu radi naplate novčane tražbine zahtijevaju podrobniju analizu svih problematičnih pitanja.Takve situacije su odraz nedovoljno utvrđenih odredbi, odnosno nepostojećih odredbi koje je zakonodavac propustio utvrditi, a reguliraju ovakav postupak naplate tražbina. Intencija ovoga rada je unificirani i sustavni prikaz takve problematike kroz sve faze postupka. U provedbi ovrhe su evidentni složeni međusobni odnosi neposrednih sudionika na koje se odnose uzrok i posljedice postupka, te posrednih sudionika koji imaju neki pravni interes, pa na njih mogu (ali i ne moraju) utjecati posljedice postupka. Pri tome valja naglasiti da se sustavno iznose pravne dvojbe o statusu neposrednih i posrednih sudionika postupka, te problematika postupovnih radnji cjelokupnog postupka, a ne samo faze provedbe ovrhe na brodu. Svaka faza postupka je opterećena manjom ili većom problematikom, bez iznimke, od podnošenja prijedloga za ovrhu do naplate vjerovnika. Isto tako, mogući su slučajevi zlonamjernih raspoložbi s krajnjim ciljem da se obustavi ovrha i spriječi prodaja broda koji je predmet ovrhe. Zakonodavac je propustio kvalitetno utvrditi ovu materiju, pa rješenja nekih inozemnih pravnih sustava, koja se odnose na postupak ovrhe, mogu poslužiti kao putokaz u nadopuni postojećih odredbi Pomorskog zakonika. Specific, complex and problematic situations that may arise in a foreclosure procedure to collect a cash claim require a more thorough analysis of all problematic issues. Such situations are a reflection of insufficiently defined provisions that is nonexistent provisions that the legislature has failed to determine, and regulate this procedure for collecting claims. The intention of this paper is to present a unified and systematic account of such issues throughout all stages of the procedure. This can also be compounded by the complex interrelationships between the direct participants involved in the cause and effect of the proceeding, as well as the indirect participants who have a legal interest, and may and may not be affected by the consequences of the proceeding. It should be emphasized that legal doubts are systematically raised about the status of direct and indirect participants in the procedure, as well as the issues of procedural actions of the whole procedure, and not just the enforcement phase on board. Each stage of the proceedings is burdened with more or less problems, without exception, from the submission of a writ of foreclosure to the payment of creditors. Likewise, there may be cases of malicious mischief with the ultimate goal of suspending foreclosure and preventing the sale of the foreclosed ship.The legislature has failed to qualitatively determine this matter, so the solutions of some foreign legal systems, related to the enforcement procedure on board, can serve as a guide in addition to the existing provisions of the Maritime Code.