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  • The Association Hyperico-Eu...
    Krasniqi, Elez; Millaku, Fadil

    Hacquetia, 12/2007, Letnik: 6, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    In the territory of Kosovo there are many serpentine mountain massifs. The largest complexes are found in the valley of the Ibër River, and the same are continued in a discontinuous chain through Koznica and Golesh to the southwest of the territory of Kosovo. Vegetation on the serpentine bedrock is rich in rare species and communities, which cannot be found in the Balkans and Europe. The communities appearing on the serpentine bedrock are characteristic and important for science. They are endemic due to the presence of endemic species in their species composition. Drenica Mountain (1051 m) is part of the Central Kosovo Mountains. These terrains are situated in the central part of Kosovo, between Çiçavica, Kosovo plain (Golesh), Llapusha, the Carraleva Mountains and the Anadrini region. A considerable part of these areas consists of serpentine bedrock, which is covered by interesting flora and vegetation. In the vegetation of Drenica Mountain 10 communities have been identified. Two of them are found on serpentine bedrock: ass. Hyperico-Euphorbietum glabriflorae and ass. Potentillo-Fumanetum bonapartei. These communities belong to the open space, and are also located in other parts of Kosovo, but only on serpentine bedrock. On Drenica Mountain there are two localities where these two communities appear. In this paper we focus in particular on ass. Hyperico-Euphorbietum glabriflorae Na Kosovu so številni gorski masivi iz serpentinita. Največje površine so v dolini reke Ibër. Nadaljujejo se v prekinjeni verigi skozi Koznico in Golesh proti jugozahodnem delu Kosova. Vegetacija na serpentinitu je bogata z redkimi vrstami in združbami, ki ne uspevajo nikjer drugje na Balkanu in v Evropi. Te združbe na serpentinitu so pomembne, ker vsebujejo endemične vrste. Drenica (1051 m) je del osrednjega gorovja na Kosovu. To območje se nahaja v osrednjem delu Kosova, med kraji Çiçavica, Golesh, Llapusha, gorovjem Carraleva in območjem Anadrini. Precejšen del območja je na serpentinitu. V vegetaciji gore Drenica je najdenih deset združb. Dve sta na serpentinitu: asociacija Hyperico-Euphorbietum glabriflorae in asociacija Potentillo-Fumanetum bonapartei. Najdemo ju na odprtih rastiščih. Na Drenici sta dve najdiščiteh dveh združb. V članku je predstavljena predvsem asociacija Hyperico-Euphorbietum glabriflorae