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  • Gulić Milan


    The paper is based on the unpublished material from the Archives of Yugoslavia, the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Military Archives, the Historical Archives of Belgrade, the Archives of the Danube Commission and the Archives of Serbia, as well as on the published sources, memoirs, historiography and newspapers. Regarding the published sources, the special attention was paid to the documents from the Belgrade Danube Conference and the first ten sessions of the Danube Commission. This basis of sources and literature enables us to create a complete historiographical paper. Our principal goal was to demonstrate, by scientific-critical analysis of the sources, the importance of the Danube during the final phase of the Second World War and the first postwar years and its significance for the Yugoslav state in its relations with the Soviet Union and its satellites, as well as in the general framework of international relations. The years which constitute the chronological framework of the paper encompass the period marked by important events of 20th century history, both in general sense and concerning the Danube. In that period, the Danube question found an important place in the whole complex of problems of the post-war world. The important phases of the Yugoslav foreign policy in the discussed period could be reflected through the Danube question. The identical points of view with the USSR concerning the regulation of the Danube question during the Potsdam Conference, the series of consultations between the ministers of foreign affairs, the Paris Peace Conference and, finally, the Belgrade Conference about the Danube, were superseded by conflicts inside the Danube Commission, for whose establishment both states struggled. The significance of changes concerning the Danube achieved during this nine-year period, should be perceived through the prism of the regulation of the Danube question during the decades that preceded it, as well as through the prism of the longevity of achievements of that period and of the Yugoslav-Soviet cooperation regarding Danube. After the struggle longer then a century, the principle “The Danube to the Danubian peoples” was achieved. Furthermore, the first Danube Commission consisting only of the countries bordering the river was established and the Convention about the regime of navigation on the Danube created by joint efforts in 1948 is still in effect. Rad je zasnovan na neobjavljenoj građi iz Arhiva Jugoslavije, Diplomatskog arhiva Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, Vojnog arhiva, Istorijskog arhiva Beograda, Arhiva Dunavske komisije i Arhiva Srbije, kao i na objavljenim izvorima, memoarskoj i stručnoj istoriografskoj literaturi i štampi. U pogledu objavljenih izvora naročito je posvećena pažnja dokumentima sa Beogradske dunavske konferencije i prvih deset zasjedanja Dunavske komisije. Ovakva osnova izvora i literature omogućava nam stvaranje cjelovitog istoriografskog rada. Naš osnovni cilj je bio da naučno-kritičkim analiziranjem izvorne i druge osnove rada pokažemo važnost Dunava u završnoj fazi Drugog svjetskog rata i prvim posljeratnim godinama, njegov značaj za jugoslovensku državu, odnose sa Sovjetskim Savezom i njegovim satelitima, kao i u opštim okvirima međunarodnih odnosa. Godine koje predstavljaju hronološki okvir rada obuhvatile su period obilježen važnim događajima iz istorije XX vijeka, kako u opštem smislu, tako i u pogledu Dunava. U ovom periodu pitanje Dunava našlo je važno mjesto u korpusu problema posljeratnog svijeta. Značajne faze jugoslovenske spoljne politike u predmetnom razdoblju mogle su se ogledati kroz pitanje Dunava. Identična gledišta sa SSSR-om u pogledu uređenja pitanja Dunava u vrijeme Potsdamske konferencije, niza savjetovanja ministara inostranih poslova, Mirovne konferencije u Parizu i, na vrhuncu, Beogradske konferencije o Dunavu, zamjenjena su sukobljavanjima u okvirima Dunavske komisije, za čije su se stvaranje zajednički borili. Značaj promjena postignutih u ovom devetogodišnjem periodu u pogledu Dunava potrebno je sagledati kroz prizmu uređenja dunavskog pitanja u decenijama koje su prethodile, kao i kroz prizmu dugotrajnosti tekovina ovog perioda i jugoslovensko-sovjetske saradnje u pogledu Dunava. Nakon borbe duge više od jednog vijeka postignuto je načelo „Dunav - dunavskim narodima“. Takođe, stvorena je prva Dunavska komisija u čije su članstvo ušle samo priobalne države, a Konvencija o režimu plovidbe na Dunavu, donijeta zajedničkim snagama 1948. godine, i danas je na snazi.