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Celotno besedilo
  • Petrov Ana


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Max Weber argued that Western society is characterized by a tendency towards extreme rationalization. Having been defined as a process of progressive intellectualization, rationalization was supposed to be evident in all aspects of social life. However, Weber advocated that this process was nowhere more conspicuous than in music, and he applied the “rationalization thesis” on the analysis of all music aspects - melody, harmony, polyphony, tuning and scale systems, instrument technology. Even thought the fragmentary drafts of Weber’s study on music (which originated in the 1910 to 1913 period) were published in 1921, the study has been scarcely discussed by both musicologists and sociologists. In this study, Weber pointed to the process of rationalization as being obvious in composers’ ability to use progressively complex musical agents, which led to the enhancing of human reason and to the increasing abundance of musical language. Furthermore, he explicated the rationalization process as a means in the fight against certain irrational “threats” that could stop music development. In this dissertation I survey Weber’s “rationalization thesis” as an amalgam of the influences of both sociology and musicology, and I focus on the elements that indicate the presence of the evolutionist paradigm (which was characteristic for the 19thcentury musicology) and the ways of its incorporation in author’s socio-musical theory. Firstly, I point to the pertinent questions considering the very paradigm of evolutionism in the natural science discourses, as well as in the discourses on music. Then, I analyze the formation of the evolutionistic model in Weber’s sociology of music by presenting the model as a consequence of both evolutionistic and historical influences. Although Weber is regularly discussed as an opponent of the evolutionistic tendencies in sociology, I show how the evolutionistic paradigm seems to be one of the relevant theoretical backgrounds when the analysis of Weber’s study on music is discussed. Finally, I conclude the paper with some observations on possible implications of Weber’s analysis.- Maks Veber je smatrao da je zapadno društvo karakteristično po tendenciji ka ekstremnoj racionalizaciji. Definisana kao proces progresivne intelektualizacije, racionalizacija je smatrana očiglednom u svim aspektima društvenog života. Međutim, Veber je tvrdio da je ovaj proces najočigledniji u muzici, te je „tezu o racionalizaciji” primenio na sve aspekte muzike - melodiju, harmoniju, polifoniju, sisteme štimovanja i lestvica, kao i instrumentalnu tehnologiju. Iako su fragmenti Veberove studije o muzici (započete u periodu između 1910. i 1913. godine) objavljeni 1921. godine, studiju retko razmatraju i muzikolozi i sociolozi. U ovoj studiji, Veber je ukazao na postojanje procesa racionalizacije u sposobnosti kompozitora da upotrebljavaju sve kompleksnija muzička sredstva, što je vodilo unapređenju ljudskog uma i sve većem bogaćenju muzičkog jezika. Nadalje, on je objasnio proces racionalizacije kao sredstvo u borbi protiv izvesnih iracionalnih „pretnji” koje bi mogle da zaustave razvoj muzike. U ovoj disertaciji analiziram Veberovu „tezu o racionalizaciji” kao amalgam socioloških i muzikoloških uticaja, te posebno izdvajam elemente koji ukazuju na prisustvo i načine inkorporiranja evolucionističke paradigme (karakteristične za muzikološki diskurs 19. veka) u autorovu sociološkomuzičku teoriju. Najpre ukazujem na važna pitanja koja se tiču same paradigme evolucionizma, kako u diskursima prirodnih nauka, tako i u diskursima o muzici. Potom se fokusiram na formiranje evolucionističkog modela u Veberovoj sociologiji muzike tako što predstavljam model kao posledicu kombinacije evolucionističkog i istoricističkog uticaja. Premda se o Veberu redovno diskutuje kao o protivniku evolucionističkih tendencija u sociologiji, ja ovde pokazujem da se paradigma evolucionizma pokazuje kao jedna od značajnijih teorijskih platformi kada je reč o Veberovoj studiji o muzici. Konačno, rad završavam izvesnim razmatranjima mogućih implikacija Veberove analize.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana