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  • Juzbašić Ana


    Throughout the world the focus has been put on enterprise restructuring, ownership transformation and contigency planning for crisis situations. These processes include also natural monopolies, until recently considered as the unquestioned national assets. As the aim of the dissertation, there had been set the analysis of strategic management problems of transportation capacities in times of crises. Regardless of the crisis nature, there is a need for adequate instruments to protect public interest. This work promotes the introduction of the best international practice and its dissemination to local professional circles. One of the state responses to the crisis is restructuring of transportation capacities of public interest, in modern transportation policy known as critical infrastructures. Protection of public interest within these capacities, being natural monopolies at the same time, has been in focus of interest worldwide, in every sense of word, not only in economic terms. Decision making in crisis and consideration of possible consequences of decisions under high uncertainty represents top theme, thus attracting the attention of both practitioners and theoretical circles. Any systematization and dissemination of knowledge with this subject represent contribution to the academic expertize and field of academic expertize of this thesis. To write thesis in the field of restructuring of critical transportation infrastructure as a tool of crisis management presents a complex, systematic and purposeful process of acquiring scientific knowledge, verified using valid scientific methods. From all the methods of scientific research, thesis has covered researches theoretical and empirical in character, analysis of relevant literature available, deduction, the comparative method and case study method. The complexity of the research subject imposed the selective use of research methods in stages of research. The analysis was used for the detection, evaluation and conclusions on the individual elements and hypotheses. Deductive methods started from the state of the world economy, through the emergence of the modern transportation industry, up to the field of thesis. The method of content analysis was used to systematize the relevant knowledge on the thesis subject, as well as boundary scientific fields, important for drawing conclusions on hypothesis. Using case study approach, the restructuring of the airport as a public monopoly in the transportation has been analyzed. The choice of possible options was carried out during the data collection and analysis, taking into account national and political specificity of Republic of Serbia. The thesis covers critical infrastructures of various levels of importance (international, national, regional), regulation (natural monopoly, commercial infrastructure) or stakeholders (users, government, regulator, operator of infrastructure, public opinion, academic institutions, etc.). The results of the work done can be summarized twofold, as the results of theoretical considerations and practical results of research. In theoretical terms, at the beginning of work there had been set five hypotheses. The hypothesis of the complexity of crisis management in critical transportation infrastructure is confirmed by empirical analysis. For the hypothesis of the inevitability of complete restructuring of transportation infrastructure (including ownership), the analysis of practice showed that restructuring does not necessary include privatization, so that the ownership restructuring of “crown jewels” depends on the strength of a state budget, and the hypothesis is partly confirmed. The hypothesis on the necessity of multicriteria approach is demonstrated through the features of multiple criteria decision making (conflicting criteria, different measuring units and difficult to quantify and standardize), using theoretical analysis. The hypothesis on integration of critical transportation infrastructure protection has been confirmed through the synthesis of findings that the restructuring of public interest companies must contribute to the protection of all business risks i.e. protected values of a society in general (at the same time, they represent aspects of the complexity of the critical transportation infrastructure): ecology, economy, safety, society and security. The usefulness of fuzzy tools for decision making as a hypothesis is also confirmed through the characteristics of fuzzy decision making, which bridges the gap between aggregate and disaggregate data; however, as this approach is still seeking its way into practice, certain amount of reserve is maintained, and it is concluded that this hypothesis is partly confirmed. When it comes to the practical part of the thesis, by analyzing global practice and synthesizing criteria for analysis, there has been proposed methodology for decision making on the optimal business structure of critical transportation infrastructures. There has been evaluated the potential use of fuzzy multicriteria analysis, bearing in mind all the limiting factors, which are a consequence of the modern regulatory solutions in the process of deregulation and liberalization in transportation. There have been analyzed practical challenges of public goods and natural monopolies restructuring process. Suitability of the quantification of protection aspects has been investigated. In coming to proposal of a unique model of decision making in complex, large, interdependent and interrelated systems, in this study there have been used more than one mathematical or conceptual model. The outcome is a two-phase (performance evaluation of alternatives and their ranking) and two-level (consideration of sub-criteria and approximate reasoning) model. This model has not yet been applied in the field of restructuring of transportation monopolies of the utmost importance. The end result of this reasoning is consistent and the fitness of infrastructure in relation to the risks of restructuring is expressed as a numerical index. The proposed model of decision making on restructuring alternatives has been tested on a numerical example for the airport. Delphi technique was used to forecast future trends of the expert that is decision maker, as a combination of his knowledge and experience. Interview method was used to collect the input parameters for a mathematical decision making model. Processing the given results of interviews was conducted by special methods of optimization (fuzzy mathematics). At this point it is necessary to point out some important explanations, resulting from the thesis and its findings. The restructuring of transportation capacities of the public interest is a very complex phenomenon in terms of financial and social responsibilities of a society, but also in line with sustainable development and the importance of taking into consideration all the aspects analyzed in this thesis. That way emerged this overall comprehensive concept. This thesis sets the evaluation mechanism closer to a wider range of potential users, academics and practitioners. The benefit of such reasoning exists for developing countries and for decisions taken by the authorities (politicians) who do not necessarily possess the technical knowledge of systems they decide on, not must they have perfect information about them. Results show objectivity, having in mind numerous and increased application in various spheres of economy and society in global, particularly in the field of strategic management. The study reached the following important conclusions: - global interest in the area of restructuring the critical transportation infrastructure grows, and there is currently a lack of criteria and tools for decision making; - many criteria and variables affect the choice of restructuring model at an airport, and its comprehensive evaluation helps making better decisions; - decision makers in the public sector require a practical and easy tool, even though given criteria involve complex and a variety of diverse parameters; - fuzzy multicriteria decision making process allows decision makers to decide complex and to easily check their assessment through the consistency of results. Presented approach is an “open book” for the further development of commercial and economic activities at national, international and global framework. Širom sveta aktuelni su procesi restrukturiranja preduzeća, transformacije njihovog vlasništva i planiranja rada u kriznim situacijama. Ovi procesi obuhvataju i prirodne monopole, do skora neprikosnovene u državnoj imovini. Za cilj disertacije postavljena je analiza problematike strateškog upravljanja saobraćajnim infrastrukturama u doba kriza. Bez obzira na prirodu krize, potrebni su adekvatni instrumenti za zaštitu javnog interesa. Ovaj rad promoviše upoznavanje sa najboljom svetskom praksom i njeno širenje u domaće stručne krugove. Jedna od reakcija države na krize jeste restrukturiranje saobraćajnih resursa od javnog interesa, u savremenoj saobraćajnoj politici poznatih pod nazivom kritične infrastrukture. Zaštita javnog interesa kod restrukturiranja ovih resursa, koji su istovremeno i prirodni monopoli, u žiži je interesovanja u svetu, u svakom smislu, ne samo u ekonomskom. Tematika donošenja odluka u krizama i sagledavanje mogućih posledica odluka u uslovima visokog stepena neizvesnosti vrlo je aktuelna i zaokuplja pažnju kako praktičara, tako i teorijskih krugova. Svako sistematizovanje i širenje saznanja na ovu temu predstavlja doprinos razvoju u široj i užoj stručnoj naučnoj oblasti ove disertacije. Izrada disertacije u oblasti restrukturiranja kritičnih saobraćajnih infrastruktura kao alata kriznog menadžmenta predstavlja složen, sistematski i svrsishodan proces sticanja naučnog saznanja, verifikovanog validnom primenom naučnih metoda. Od metoda naučnog istraživanja, pri izradi disertacije korišćeni su istraživanje teorijskog i empirijskog karaktera, analiza rel