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    Slaviša N. Arsić

    Vojnotehnički glasnik, 10/2014, Letnik: 62, Številka: 4
    Journal Article

    Proces profesionalizacije Vojske Srbije uslovio je kvalitativno-kvantitativne promene u kadrovskoj strukturi i doveo do smanjenja brojnog stanja njenih pripadnika. U kadetskom restoranu na Vojnoj akademiji došlo je do stvaranja infrastrukturnog i organizacionog balasta u kapacitetima za pripremu i podelu hrane koji sistem ishrane kadeta čini nerentabilnim. Izgrađeni kapaciteti projektovani su tako da omogućavaju pripremu i podelu 40% obroka više od realnih potreba, što u ekonomskom kontekstu sagledavanja finansijski bespotrebno opterećuje ograničeni iznos novčanih sredstava koja se za tu svrhu izdvajaju. U smislu zadovoljenja ekonomskih principa moguće je smanjiti ili sasvim eliminisati negativne efekte upošljavanjem viška kapaciteta ili pronalaženjem alternativnih načina kojima bi se funkcija ishrane u Vojnoj akademiji realizovala na racionalniji način. Rad predstavlja analizu 'za i protiv' koja u prvi plan ističe neke od relevantnih činjenica za pronalaženje celishodnijeg rešenja. Sistem ishrane u Vojnoj akademiji analiziran je kroz uzročno-posledične odnose faktora unutar i izvan sistema uz nastojanje da se njegovo funkcionisanje unapredi sa organizaciono-ekonomskog, tehničko-tehnološkog i nutritivno-bezbednosnog aspekta, a na osnovu savremenih naučnih saznanja i domaćih i stranih iskustava. / The process of professionalisation of the Serbian Army has caused qualitative and quantitative changes in the personnel structure and has led to the reduction in the numerical strength of its members. The restaurant at the Military Academy has faced infrastructural and organisational ballasts in its capacity for food preparation and distribution thus making the Military Academy food system uneconomic. The capacities of the restaurant are designed to allow for the preparation and distribution of 40% more meals than the actual needs, which, in the economic context, places unnecessary financial burden on the limited amount of funds allocated for this purpose. In terms of economic principles, it is possible to reduce or completely eliminate the negative effects through employing redundant workforce or finding alternative ways to organise the food system at the Military academy in a more rational way. The article represents a 'pro et contra' analysis that places an emphasis on some relevant facts in finding expedient solutions. The food system at the Military Academy was analyzed through the causeeffect relations of the factors within and outside the system and through the efforts to improve the system functioning from organizational, economic, technological and nutrition security aspects, based on current scientific knowledge and domestic and foreign experience.