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  • Birkić, Draženka

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Nekontroliran i loše upravljan razvoj turizma priobalnih destinacija sa sobom povlači brojne negativne posljedice, a jedna je od njih i gubitak konkurentnosti i tržišne pozicije priobalne destinacije. Turistička industrija vrlo sporo prihvaća načela održivosti, što i ne čudi s obzirom na samu suštinu turističke industrije čije je djelovanje motivirano isključivo ekstra zaradom. Predmet istraživanja ovoga doktorskog rada jest problem upravljanja razvojem turizma priobalnih turističkih destinacija, i to u svjetlu problema s kojim je razvoj ovih destinacija danas suočen zbog izrazito masovnog i sezonskog karaktera turizma koji se odvija na uskom priobalnom pojasu. Većina problema proisteklih iz turističkih aktivnosti u pitanju prostora i okoliša posljedica su nekoordinirana, neplanskog i stihijskoga turističkog razvoja. Glavni je cilj ovoga doktorskog rada staviti naglasak na problematiku upravljanja turističkim razvojem priobalne destinacije temeljena na načelima i kriterijima održivog razvoja i to po pitanjima primjene načela održivosti u strateškim planovima razvoja, utvrđivanje prihvatnih kapaciteta te suradnju lokalnih interesnih skupina unutar zajednice. Primarnim istraživanjem potvrđena je uloga i značenje javne lokalne uprave prilikom uspostave integralnog modela planiranja koje podrazumijevaju dugoročno planiranje, sudjelovanje i suradnju ključnih dionika, kao i lokalnog stanovništva prilikom uspostave dugoročne strategije turističkog razvoja. U samoj srži održivoga turističkog razvoja priobalne destinacije treba da bude spoznaja o tome koliko određeni prostor, određene priobalne destinacije mogu prihvatiti turističkih sadržaja bez štetnih posljedica za buduće generacije. Jedan od najvažnijih doprinosa ovoga doktorskog rada jest u tome što je ukazano na nužnost objedinjavanja upravljanja turističkim razvojem priobalne destinacije i upravljanje prihvatnim kapacitetima na lokalnom nivou, s ciljem zadovoljavanja potrebe konzumenata, uz istovremeno sprječavanje eventualno neželjenih posljedica pretjerane izgradnje i ugrožavanje kvalitete življenja lokalnoga stanovništva.- Uncontrollable development of tourism in coastal destinations, which is the result of irresposable management in tourism, is the direct cause of many negative side effects in tourism. One of these side effects happens when the coastal destination stops being competitive and it loses its place in the tourist market. The tourism industry is very slow to accept the sustainable development theory in tourism, which is not surprising since at the very core of this industry lays the motive for extra profit. The main problem which was investigated by this thesis was the problem of successfully managing the development of coastal destinations because most of the destinations are burdened with the fact that their tourist activity is very seasonal, short term and more numerous each year. Whats more, it takes place in regions which are right on the coast. Most of these environmental problems which are caused by massive tourist activity, are the result of tourism development being uncoordinated and without a proper plan. The main aim of this thesis is to focus the readers attention on the problem of successfully managing the development of a coastal tourist destination. This development should be based on the principles and the criteria of sustainable development, which should be applied in strategic planning, and whilst deciding on the carrying capacity of the destination. Primary research has proven that the role of local governments is crucial for the effective establishment of the planning module. This should include long term planning, active participation and cooperation between the main participants in tourism and the participation of local residents. Only in this manner can the long term strategy of tourism development be put in place. The awareness of how many tourist attractions can a certain place withstand without the negative effects for the future generations should be at the very core of sustainable tourism development of a coastal destinationThe main contribution of this thesis is the realization that the management of tourist development of a coastal destination should be aligned and it should depend on the management of the carrying capacity, and vice versa, and all of this should be taking place on the level of local government. The main aim of this should be to please the final consumer of tourism, but at the same time, any future negative side effects of overdeveloping, which should disturb the quality of life of the local residents, should be avoided.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana