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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- U cilju ustanovljenja respiracijsko-metaboličkih karakteristika hrvatskih veslača, i povezanosti tih karakteristikama s uspješnošću na veslačkom ergometru, provedeno je testiranje 180 hrvatskih veslača (82 juniora, 98 seniora), među kojima je bilo i 109 reprezentativaca. Testiranja su provedena u dijagnostičkom centru Kineziološkog fakulteta u Zagrebu i u respiracijskom laboratoriju Plućnog odjela kliničke bolnice u Splitu. U oba lokaliteta primijenjen je istovjetan progresivni diskontinuirani metod opterećenja. Značajnost razlike rezultata veslača različitih dobnih kategorija (juniori / seniori), kao i veslača različite uspješnosti, provjeravao se multivarijatnom analizom varijance. Povezanost respiracijskih i metaboličkih karakteristika s uspješnošću u veslanju, ustanovila se primjenom regresijske analiza, pri čemu su se respiracijske i metaboličke karakteristike tretirale kao prediktorske, a izvršeni rad na ergometru kao kriterijska varijabla. Ustanovljena je statistički značajna povezanost između respiracijskih i metaboličkih karakteristika s uspješnošću u veslanju, mjerenom izvršenjem rada na veslačkom ergometru. Skup varijabli mjerenih u Splitu, objašnjava polovinu varijabiliteta sportske uspješnosti na veslačkom ergometru. Skup varijabli mjerenih u Zagrebu, objašnjava 63% varijabiliteta kriterijske varijable u juniora i 39% varijabiliteta kriterijske varijable u seniora. Veslači reprezentativci, u oba uzrasta, postižu značajno bolje rezultate na veslačkom ergometru što se prioritetno vezuje za veću tjelesnu visinu i posebno za veću tjelesnu masu. Navedeni parametri predikcijom za sebe vezuju i veće parametre respiracijskih karakteristika i maksimalnu potrošnju kisika. Prezentirani u relaciji prema predikciji, odnosno u relativnom maksimalnom primitku kisika, ovi podaci ne ukazuju na razliku među veslačima različitog uzrasta. Obrazloženje za bolje rezultate treba tražiti u specifičnosti motoričkog učenje pri izvođenju kompleksnog pokreta veslačkog zaveslaja. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata izvodi se prijedlog da se sa sustavnom dijagnostikom u veslanju započne najkasnije u zadnjoj godini koja prethodi juniorskom uzrastu – juniori B (16 godina).- The aim of this study is to determine respiratory-metabolic characteristic of the Croatian rowers and a connection of these features with the success in rowing ergometer. The study was conducted on a sample of 180 Croatian rowers (82 juniors, 98 seniors), among which 109 representatives. Tests were conducted in the diagnostic centre of the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb and in the respiratory department of the lung department, Clinical hospital centre Split. The same discontinuous method load was applied in both centres. The multivariate analysis of variance was used to show different results between the rowers of different ages (juniors / seniors) and those with different performance. Correlation of respiratory and metabolic properties, with success in rowing, was established using the regression analysis. Respiratory and metabolic characteristics were treated as predictor and the work done on the treadmill as a criterion variable. After the completion of the exercise done on the rowing ergometer, a significant association between respiratory and metabolic characteristics, with success in rowing, was established. The set of variables measured in Split, explains half of the variability in sport performance excellency on the rowing ergometer. The set of variables measured in Zagreb, explains 63% of the variability in the criterion variables measured in juniors and 39% of the variability in the criterion variables measured in seniors. Rowing team, in both age groups, achieves significantly better results on the rowing ergometer which can be associated to the higher body height and higher body mass. These parameters indicate increased respiratory parameters and the maximum oxygen consumption. Presented in the relation to the prediction, that is, in the relatively maximum oxygen consumption, these data indicate no difference among rowers of different ages. The specifics of motor learning when performing complex rowing stroke movements should offer the explanation for better results. The conclusion, based on these results, is that one should start with the systematic diagnosis in rowing at the latest in the year preceding the juniors - Junior B (16-years-old).- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana