Akademska digitalna zbirka SLovenije - logo
Celotno besedilo

  • 17/11/2000
    Video Recording

    Extended description: Prizorišče Log pod Mangartom, pogovor s poročevalko Barbaro Renčof, plaz in vas, krava v blatu plazu, ogrožene hiše, razdejanje. Izjava Žare Mlekuž, Igor Černuta (ostal brez doma in verjetno tudi brez staršev), poveljnik štaba Civilne zaščite Bovec, policijski helikopter, prihod evakuiranih Ložanov v Bovec, krajevna tabla, izjava geolog Brane Vajc. The clip starts with the upsetting footage of the scene itself at Log on Mangartom. The anchor is talking about the catastrophic avalanche with the news reporter Barbara Renčof, and showing the landslide, mud area, threatened houses and the vast amount of destruction. Moreover, statements made by Žare Mlekuž, Igor Černuta (left without a home and possibly without his parents), head of the Civil Protection Staff at Bovec, a police helicopter, evacuated citizens of Log pod Mangartom arriving in Bovec, the local board and a statement from the geologist Brane Vajc are presented. Information: Massive avalanche swept away large tracts of the village Log pod Mangartom and also took seven lives. Original language summary: Plaz odnesel del naselja Log pod Mangartom in zahteval sedem smrtnih žrtev.