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Celotno besedilo

  • 10/03/1998
    Video Recording

    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Extended description: Socializacija bika, animirani film Zvonka Čoha in Milana Eriča, je v naši kinematografiji zagotovo povsem izjemen dosežek. Je prva slovenska »risanka« celovečernega obsega, nastala je po klasičnem oblikovalnem postopku, iz ročno izrisanih animiranih sličic. To daje animiranemu filmu izrazit in neposreden avtorski pečat. Postopek izdelave je zato zahteval več kot deset let vztrajnega in napornega dela. Socialization of the Bull, an animated film by Zvonko Čoh and Milan Erič is quite a remarkable achievement in our cinema. Not only because it does represent the first Slovenian "cartoon of a whole evening scale" but also because it was done using a traditional, classical design procedure, therefore it consists of thousands and thousands of hand-illustrated animated images, which gives the film its strong and direct authorial signature, but above all, it is a remarkable achievement because it is a process of more than ten years of persistent, hard and solitary work.- Information:- Exhibition about an animated film Socialization of the Bull in Gallery Bežigrad. Zvone Čoh and Milan Erič talking about a special and old technology of making cartoons.- Original language summary: Razstava o risanki Socializacija bika v Bežigrajski galeriji. Izjava Zvone Čoh in Milan Erič o stari tehnologiji nastajanja risank. Risanka ni namenjena otrokom ampak bolj odraščajočim.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana