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Faktor vpliva za serijsko publikacijo India Review za leto 2015

Leto 2015
Naslov serijske publikacije India Review
ISSN 1473-6489
Faktor vpliva 0.581

Uvrstitve Social Science Edition (SSE)

3320 3312
Political Science and International Relations Sociology and Political Science
Uvrstitev 265/442 657/1027
Četrtina 3 3
IFx 0.849 0.918
IFmax 1. četrtine 4.810 4.810
IFmin 1. četrtine 1.124 1.227
IFmax 2. četrtine 1.121 1.226
IFmin 2. četrtine 0.699 0.763
IFmax 3. četrtine 0.697 0.762
IFmin 3. četrtine 0.379 0.433
IFmax 4. četrtine 0.374 0.432
IFmin 4. četrtine 0.005 0.005
ID=268954 Kreiran 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2015cIndia Reviewh43i22j0.581
120 f1473-6489
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400 c3320dPolitical Science and International Relationsu265/442x0.849y0.379z0.6970314.81021.12431.12140.69950.69760.37970.37480.005
400 c3312dSociology and Political Scienceu657/1027x0.918y0.433z0.7620314.81021.22731.22640.76350.76260.43370.43280.005