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Faktor vpliva za serijsko publikacijo ACM Transactions on Internet of Things za leto 2022

Leto 2022
Naslov serijske publikacije ACM Transactions on Internet of Things
ISSN 2577-6207
Faktor vpliva 2.269

Uvrstitve Science Edition (SE)

1708 1710 1712 1705 1706
Hardware and Architecture Information Systems Software Computer Networks and Communications Computer Science Applications
Uvrstitev 17/169 37/367 47/394 31/365 80/770
Četrtina 1 1 1 1 1
IFx 1.133 1.174 1.348 1.067 1.141
IFmax 1. četrtine 5.662 15.745 22.041 6.723 15.745
IFmin 1. četrtine 1.478 1.496 1.584 1.352 1.466
IFmax 2. četrtine 1.469 1.468 1.576 1.350 1.461
IFmin 2. četrtine 0.969 0.870 1.004 0.872 0.932
IFmax 3. četrtine 0.949 0.855 1.003 0.870 0.930
IFmin 3. četrtine 0.546 0.510 0.556 0.463 0.534
IFmax 4. četrtine 0.544 0.502 0.553 0.462 0.529
IFmin 4. četrtine 0.040 0.003 0.023 0.037 0.003
ID=429604 Kreiran 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2022cACM Transactions on Internet of Thingsh111i24j2.269
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300 c1708dHardware and Architectureu17/169x1.133y1.478z5.6620115.66221.47831.46940.96950.94960.54670.54480.040
300 c1710dInformation Systemsu37/367x1.174y1.496z15.74501115.74521.49631.46840.87050.85560.51070.50280.003
300 c1712dSoftwareu47/394x1.348y1.584z22.04101122.04121.58431.57641.00451.00360.55670.55380.023
300 c1705dComputer Networks and Communicationsu31/365x1.067y1.352z6.7230116.72321.35231.35040.87250.87060.46370.46280.037
300 c1706dComputer Science Applicationsu80/770x1.141y1.466z15.74501115.74521.46631.46140.93250.93060.53470.52980.003