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  • Ostavština Hadži Save Kosanovića, dabro-bosanskog mitropolita
    Kujović, Mina
    Hadži Sava Kosanović, the Metropolitan of Dabro-Bosnia from 1881 to 1885, was the first Serb to hold such a high ecclesiastical position. He died in Ulcinj,Montenegro, on the 13th of February 1903. ... His testament, written in Ulcinj in 1902, was publicized after his death and in it he left all of his belongings to the Orthodox Serbian people for the foundation of a teacher's fond for the teachers in Orthodox churches. His relatives were unhappy that they were left out of the testament and they began a lengthy court process in order to battle for his legacy. After Kosanovic's relatives were excluded as his inheritors in Bosnia after 1916, state organs and the teachers of Bosnia engaged themselves in order to prove their rights to the Metropolitanćs bequest. It was necessary to establish to whom his property belonged and what was the legal status of his heritage. The process was concluded in 1934 when the minister of education in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia decided to grant the property of Hadži Sava Kosanović to the Yugoslav teacher's association - the section for the Drina Banate, known as "the Teacher's fond of Metropolitan H. S. Kosanović". The same decision stated that all the means from the bequest should be used for the building of a teacher's centre in Sarajevo. The Centre was built in 1936 and it was known as the Centre of school workers.
    Vrsta građe - članak, sastavni dio ; odrasli, ozbiljna (nije lijepa knjiž.)
    Godina - 2011
    Jezik - bosanski
    COBISS.BH-ID - 20154118