SVE biblioteke (uzajamna bibliografsko-kataloška baza podataka COBIB.BH)
  • Prilog proučavanju bosansko-dubrovačkih odnosa u prvoj polovini XVII stoljeća
    Ohranović, Fuad
    The article provides information about diplomatic ties between the Bosnian Eyalet and the Ragusan Republic during the first half of 17th century. The paper provides data about connection and ... cooperation of Bosnian and Ragusan citizens during the period.In focus of the paper is to show the importance of the port of Ragusa for the Bosnian Eyalet, and also to show relations between the authorities of Bosnia and Ragusa. Also the paper provides information about the Emin an Ottoman representative in Ragusa, and the Ragusa - Venetian rivalry after opening the port of Split in 1592
    Vrsta građe - članak, sastavni dio ; odrasli, ozbiljna (nije lijepa knjiž.)
    Godina - 2016
    Jezik - bosanski
    COBISS.BH-ID - 23737350