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  • O urbanističkom razvoju Visokog od XIV do konca XIX stoljeća
    Klepo, Ervin
    The urban ambience of the city of Visoko from the end of the 19th century is the result of six centuries of urban genesis which did not pass in the sign of a dynamic physical growth. The extent of ... the settlement from the protourban phase was not drastically altered either during or long after the civilization transition from medieval Bosnian to Oriental-Islamic Ottoman variant of urban culture; it is even inconspicuous in terms of magnification. Its institutional foundations underwent the most dramatic transformation, because one were those of a medieval capital, embryonic in the emergence of the state, while the other were reduced to a provincial urban rank. Distinctive medieval and Ottoman civilization contexts and urban goals also resulted in certain changes in the field of physical relations and ways of settlement integration. In the area of medieval Visoko, the form, symbolic and functional connection between the suburb and the fortified city was crucial. The names Visoki and Podvisoki imply a clear indication of the symbolic relationship of superior and subordinate member in this urban situation. Nevertheless, it was a unique city organism with a clear spatial breakdown into two poles that complemented each other functionally and artistically. Due to the elimination of the fort%s functions and its relation to the suburb, the Ottomans qualify the settlement in Podvisoki as a village. Different perceptions and understandings of urban settlements, legal standards and urban norms established in the Ottoman Empire correspond here with the real situation, since the settlement reduced to functions of housing, exchange of material goods and craft production could not be recognized as an urban type of settlement even in the medieval Bosnia. Due to compatibility with its strategic goals and urban program, the Ottoman state immediately began implementing measures to shape the urban environment in accordance with Oriental-Islamic urban principles. Respectable urban facilities and infrastructure constructed in Visoko during the first decades of the Ottoman rule indicate a founded presumption that the settlement was well established by the end of the 15th century in the form and status of a kasaba, although the documentary information available to this paper does not explicitly say so. However, the medieval relics could not be eradicated easily, which wasn%t the intention in the first place. A very important factor of continuity between the medieval and the Ottoman Visoko is the name of this city itself. The original spatial and functional nucleus of Podvisoki, the focal point of trade and crafts, served as the nucleus of the later Visoko kasaba. Several other spatial complexes within the kasaba also retained a trace of medieval origin. This is primarily noticeable based on their names and relics of the medieval sense of spatial organization. Traces of the medieval spatial relations are also the unchanged routes of key traffic arteries in the kasaba. Ottoman-era Visoko was architecturally enriched with Oriental-Islamic housing culture and Eastern style of construction, but even the medieval building standards were not completely replaced. Their permeation throughout the kasaba over the centuries has built an authentic character of the settlement. The end of the nineteenth century was preceded by at least two centuries without drastic changes to the urban structure of Visoko. Due to stagnation, Visoko welcomed the Modern Age with modest infrastructure and construction standards, but formed in an environmentally balanced development. This kind of trans-civilizational genesis and continuity, development and transformation in accordance with the natural circumstances, alongside the size and organization tailored to human needs, established an authentic medieval-Balkan-oriental ambient synthesis, urbanistically inspired in the current problems of protection of space and human environment.
    Vrsta građe - članak, sastavni dio
    Godina - 2019
    Jezik - bosanski
    COBISS.BH-ID - 39363334