SVE biblioteke (uzajamna bibliografsko-kataloška baza podataka COBIB.BH)
  • Digitalna fotografija kao način dokumentovanja krivičnog djela : prednosti i nedostaci u odnosu na konvencionalne fotografske tehnike
    Salkanović, Anel
    The development of technologies has enabled innovation in photo documentation for the needs of criminal investigation. The end of the 20th century was characterized by significant progress in ... digitalization, and, consequently, there was a rapid and very successful development of digital cameras. In addition to being immediately accepted by photographers, their application was seemingly immediate by law enforcement agencies as well. All the advantages of a digital camera were immediately used, while eliminating the disadvantages that were mostly skeptical in nature. The paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of digital photography for criminal purposes, explains them in a detailed and systematic way.
    Vrsta građe - magistarski rad ; odrasli, ozbiljna (nije lijepa knjiž.)
    Izdavanje i proizvodnja - Sarajevo : [A. Salkanović], 2020
    Jezik - bosanski
    COBISS.BH-ID - 41030662

Biblioteka/institucija Mjesto Akronim Za pozajmicu Drugi fondovi kriminal.,kriminol.i sigurn.studije, Sarajevo Sarajevo, F FKNSA u čitaonicu 1 prim.
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