Fak.za kriminal.,kriminol.i sigurn.studije, Sarajevo (FKNSA)
  • Legislative framework and court practice regarding detention/related provisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period since 1992
    Dautbegović, Almin ; Korajlić, Nedžad
    Those countries that declared independence upon dissolution of the former Yugoslavia directly adopted a number of laws including the criminal procedure laws. Once it declared independence on April 6, ... 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Criminal Procedure Code of the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) as the only procedural law in the entire territory of the SFRY; material criminal codes existed at the level of the former republics. The Criminal Procedure Code of SFRY was adopted through the Law on Adopting and Applying the Federal Laws that were enforced as the republic laws.4 Upon many discussions and dilemmas regarding the competencies of the state and the entities, in 1998 the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code were enacted at the entity level through mediation of the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Firstly, the Criminal Procedure Code was enacted at the level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina consequently abolishing the Criminal Procedure Code of SFRY that was adopted from the previous system.5 At the same time, the Criminal Code of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was enacted. Republika Srpska acted similarly enacting the Criminal Procedure Code6 and shortly after the Brcko District Assembly did the same.7 As part of the comprehensive judicial reform from 2003, new procedural laws were enacted at the entity level, Brcko District and the levelof Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Criminal Procedure Law of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina number 35/03 and it came into force on August 1, 2003; The Criminal Procedure Law of Republika Srpska was published in the Official Gazette of RS number 50/03 and it came into force on July 1, 2003; the Criminal Procedure Code of Brcko District was published in the Official Gazette of Brcko District number 10/03 while the Criminal Procedure Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina was published in the Official Gazette of Bosniaand Herzegovina number 3/03 and it came into force on March 1, 2003. Procedural laws and the detention matters have been changed and amended on several occasions since their enactment.
    Vrsta građe - članak, sastavni dio ; odrasli, ozbiljna (nije lijepa knjiž.)
    Godina - 2013
    Jezik - engleski
    COBISS.BH-ID - 512619459