Pravni fakultet, Sarajevo (PFSA)
  • Politička instrumentalizacija Visokog sudskog i tužilačkog vijeća BiH na primjeru oktobarskih zaključaka Vijeća
    Išerić, Harun
    In October 2017, few days after first instance judgment of the Court of B&H in Orić case, Republika Srpska's Centre for the Investigation of War and War Crimes and the Search for Missing Persons ... filled an Information to the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B&H about state judges and prosecutors with "suspicious war past". Fifteen of them were accused for unethical behaviour during the war and discriminating against Serbs in war crimes proceedings. Just 12 days after the Information was received, president of the Council, Milan Tegeltija put it on the agenda of the Council meeting with prepared conclusions. Conclusion were formulated in the way to establish a control of bringing indictments for war crimes and war crimes convictions with an aim to achieve ethnically balanced proceedings. That would eventually lead to politicizing war crimes trials.
    Vrsta građe - članak, sastavni dio
    Godina - 2017
    Jezik - bosanski
    COBISS.BH-ID - 512443341