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  • Pogostejše kožne bolezni v tropih = Common skin diseases in tropics
    Zagoričnik, Blanka
    During travel in the tropics and subtropics and after returning home, many different skin lesions may appear on travellers' skin. Some of them arise onlybecause of the patient's inability to adapt to ... different conditions, whileothers are result of diseases specofoc for the area they were travelling in. Since a greater number of people now travel to these countries, there has also been an increase in patients with the above-mentioned skin symptoms. In addition, the paper also discusses the most common skin diseases in the tropics, the clinical findings, diagnosis and treatment.
    Source: Medicinski razgledi. Supplement. - ISSN 0353-3484 (Letn. 38, supl. 8, nov. 1999, str. 37-43)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 1999
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 11101401

source: Medicinski razgledi. Supplement. - ISSN 0353-3484 (Letn. 38, supl. 8, nov. 1999, str. 37-43)

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