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  • Energijska vrednost šolskih malic = Energy values of school meals
    Debeljak, Bernarda
    The work presents an analysis oi schoool meals (lunches) in elemertary school.School meals (n = 80) were studied for one month in every season. The quantities of used food and left-overs were ... recorded to measure the average consumption per pupil. Menus were analysed with the index of Food Composition,measuring (specifying) energetic and nutition values. Average school menus conform with the recommended energetic and nutritional standards for 10 - 15 years old girls and boys, considering 15 % deviation. School mealsare too rich for children of 7 - 9 years. In order to maintain fhe nufritional and energetic values of school meals, more up-to-date standards inaccordance with WHO recommendations are needed.
    Source: Zdravstveno varstvo : Slovenian journal of public health. - ISSN 0351-0026 (Letn. 39, št. 11/12, 2000, str. 263-268)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2000
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 12879065