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  • Kirurško zdravljenje ploščatoceličnega in bazalnoceličnega kožnega raka na glavi in vratu = Surgical therapy of the squamous and basal cell skin cancer in head and neck
    Lanišnik, Boštjan ; Žargi, Miha, 1946- ; Gale, Nina
    The incidence of the nonmelanoma skin cancer has been on an increase throughout the world. The management guidelines are based on histological and clinical risk factors. It is important to note that ... the management principles are different for low risk and high risk nonmelanoma skin cancer, which is notovereradicated after surgical excision. Histological margin control and diagnosis are prerequisites for successful management. Nonmelanoma skin canceris a malignant disease and must be treated as such. Follow up of the patients is imminentessential and must not be omitted.
    Source: Medicinski razgledi. Supplement. - ISSN 0353-3484 (Letn. 43, supl. 3, maj 2004, str. 151-155)
    Type of material - conference contribution
    Publish date - 2004
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 17897945

source: Medicinski razgledi. Supplement. - ISSN 0353-3484 (Letn. 43, supl. 3, maj 2004, str. 151-155)

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