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  • Ugotavljanje obsega in stopnje težavnosti zobnih in čeljustnih nepravilnosti s pomočjo indeksa EFO pri otrocih, napotenih na ortodontsko zdravljenje = EFO index: a useful method for assessing the extent and degree of malocclusion in children
    Ovsenik, Maja, 1962- ; Farčnik, Franc
    Background: In this study, a group of children waiting for orthodontic treatment was evaluated using the EFO index. Patients and methods: The study covered 246 children aged 6 to 18 years. Using the ... EFO score, the degree of malocclusion was classified as mild (1-15 points), moderate (16-40 points), severe (41-65 points) or very severe (over 66 points). Results: Orthodontic abnormalities were established in 96% of the children examined. Mild malocclusion was present in 24% of the patients, moderate malocclusion in 37.4%, severe in 24.8% and very severe in 10.6%. Conclusion: Two thirds of thechildren in this study had moderate or severe malocclusion requiring priority treatment. The EFO index is a reliable method for assessing the severity of malocclusion. If used consistently by primary dentists in making referrals, it could help to relieve the pressure on the orthodontic service and result in shortening of waiting lists for orthodontic care.
    Source: Zobozdravstveni vestnik. - ISSN 0044-4928 (Letn. 61, št. 4/5, 2006, str. 159-163)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2006
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 22727897

source: Zobozdravstveni vestnik. - ISSN 0044-4928 (Letn. 61, št. 4/5, 2006, str. 159-163)

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