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  • Remembering the Civil War Remembering the Civil War
    Janney, Caroline E 06/2013

    As early as 1865, survivors of the Civil War were acutely aware that people were purposefully shaping what would be remembered about the war and what would be omitted from the historical record. ...
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  • What Rebels Want What Rebels Want
    Hazen, Jennifer M 02/2013

    How easy is it for rebel groups to purchase weapons and ammunition in the middle of a war? How quickly can commodities such as diamonds and cocoa be converted into cash to buy war supplies? And why ...
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  • The Women's Fight The Women's Fight
    Glymph, Thavolia 02/2020

    Historians of the Civil War often speak of "wars within a war--the military fight, wartime struggles on the home front, and the political and moral battle to preserve the Union and end slavery. In ...
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  • Rivalry and Revenge Rivalry and Revenge
    Balcells, Laia 01/2017

    What explains violence against civilians in civil wars? Why do groups kill civilians in areas where they have full military control and their rivals have no military presence? This innovative book ...
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  • Global Crisis Global Crisis
    Parker, Geoffrey 04/2013

    Revolutions, droughts, famines, invasions, wars, regicides, government collapses-the calamities of the mid-seventeenth century were unprecedented in both frequency and extent. The effects of what ...
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  • Barriers to Peace in Civil War Barriers to Peace in Civil War
    Cunningham, David E. 2011.

    Civil wars vary greatly in their duration. This book argues that conflicts are longer when they involve more actors who can block agreement (veto players) and identifies specific problems that arise ...
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  • Sex and International Tribu... Sex and International Tribunals
    Mibenge, Chiseche Salome 07/2013

    Before the twenty-first century, there was little legal precedent for the prosecution of sexual violence as a war crime. Now, international tribunals have the potential to help make sense of ...
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  • Refugitta of Richmond Refugitta of Richmond
    Hughes, Nathaniel Cheairs; Rushing, S. Kittrell 2011

    In the expansive canon of Civil War memoirs, relatively few accounts from women exist. Among the most engaging and informative of these rare female perspectives is Constance Cary Harrison’s ...
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  • Civil War Citizens Civil War Citizens
    Ural, Susannah 11/2010

    At its core, the Civil War was a conflict over the meaning of citizenship. Most famously, it became a struggle over whether or not to grant rights to a group that stood outside the pale of ...
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  • Learning from the Wounded Learning from the Wounded
    Devine, Shauna 03/2014

    Nearly two-thirds of the Civil War's approximately 750,000 fatalities were caused by disease--a staggering fact for which the American medical profession was profoundly unprepared. In the years ...
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hits: 162,867

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