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Faculty of Health Sciences (VZSMB)
Poletni odpiralni čas!
Julij 2023 Pon., tor., sre. in pet. 9.00-13.30 ure, četrtek 10.30-16.00 ure. Avgust 2023 pon. in sre. od 9.00 - 13.30 ure.
Četrtek 10.30-16.00 ure. Od 17.7.-11.8.2023 zaprto.
September 2023: Pon.,tor.,sre. 9.00-13.30 ure,
četrtek 9.00-16.00 ure, petek 9.00-15.00 ure.

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Faculty of Health Sciences
available - outside loan, loan period: 21 days
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IN: 020130396
IN: 020130396
available - outside loan, loan period: 21 days
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