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  • Aproximación a la figura de...
    Prior Barbarroja, Balbina

    Alfinge, 01/2015, Volume: 27, Issue: 27
    Journal Article

    This paper deals with the enthralling figure of Aphra Behn, the first English women to earn her living by her writing. During her lifetime she gained the attacks of many critics for her chosen subject matter, often alluding to female sexual desire. Several centuries later, Women‟s Studies have contributed not only to the current revival of her reputation and works, but also to give her their fair due for her proven worth and intellectual capability. Firstly, she faced male writers under the same conditions, despite the fact that she didn‟t belong to aristocracy; and secondly she broke cultural barriers by writing in a distinctive poetic voice characterized by audacity and directness in a masculine style assumed as her own. Trabajo que trata sobre la fascinante figura de Aphra Behn, primera mujer escritora que se puede considerar que viviera de su pluma. Mujer y autora muy discutida en su época, varios siglos después los “Estudios de Género” han contribuido no a rescatar o sacar su figura y obra del olvido, sino a hacerle justicia por su valía personal e intelectual. La primera enfrentándose en igualdad de condiciones a los hombres, con el mérito añadido de no provenir de una clase social alta; la segunda por escribir de una manera totalmente libre y desinhibida, expresando no sólo los mismos pensamientos que los escritores del sexo contrario, sino en muchas ocasiones más atrevidos.