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Peer reviewed
  • Stoller, James K

    Chest 159, Issue: 4
    Journal Article

    Change is a fact of life; the absence of change creates stagnation. This is perhaps especially true in health care, where progress in treating disease depends on innovation and progress. At the same time, change is often uncomfortable. Thus, it is helpful to model the change process to optimize the chances of successfully effecting change. Furthermore, how to lead change is a critical leadership competency. Three models for leading change are reviewed: the first-the eight stages of change-which was not designed for health care; the second called "switch"; and the third called Amicus, which was uniquely designed for health care. The models share many common features, with the explicit reminder in the third model that physicians should be involved in the change effort early. Although sparse, the evidence does suggest the applicability of these models to health care. Beyond having a roadmap for leading change, it is helpful to assess the worthiness of undertaking a change effort and of predicting the phasic response to change efforts, given that humans are often change-averse. In this regard, both the "payoff matrix" and the change curve, derived from the work of Kübler-Ross on grieving, are offered as tools. Finally, physicians' avidity for change is framed by two opposing vectors. On the one hand, physicians share in the general human aversion to change. On the other hand, physicians are data-reverent and also wish to do their best for patients, which encourages their embrace of ever-increasing evidence and change.