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Peer reviewed
  • Employees’ Perceptions of G...
    Shen, Jie; Dumont, Jenny; Deng Xin

    Group & organization management, 08/2018, Volume: 43, Issue: 4
    Journal Article

    Green human resource management (green HRM) refers to a set of HRM practices that organizations adopt to improve employee workplace green performance. While the effect of perceived green HRM on employee workplace green performance has received some empirical support, its relationship with employee non-green workplace outcomes remains unexplored and, therefore, unknown. This research tests an integrative moderated-mediation model related to the relationship between perceived green HRM and non-green workplace outcomes including employee task performance, organizational citizenship behavior toward the organization (OCBO) and intention to quit, and the underlying mechanisms. Analyses of the multisourced data reveal that perceived green HRM influences these three non-green employee workplace outcomes through a motivational social and psychological process (i.e., organizational identification). Perceived organizational support (POS) moderates the effect of perceived green HRM on organizational identification and the indirect effect of perceived green HRM on the three employee workplace outcomes, via the mediation of organizational identification. This research advances our knowledge about the relationship between perceived green HRM and non-green employee workplace outcomes.