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  • The Heroes of Treca Gimnazi...
    Berman, David M


    When the Bosnian Serb army besieged and occupied Grbavica, carving the dividing line right through the tissue of cohesive inner city communities, the teachers and students of Sarajevo schools were first among those who crossed the line of danger, going out of their shelters and back to work and study. Treca Gimnazija, a high school in central Sarajevo, became a "war school," adapting to wartime conditions by conducting classes in dispersed basement classrooms in neighborhoods across the city. The real story of the siege of Sarajevo, put in educational terms, is the localized adaptation of the staff and students of the school who implemented administrative resolutions and directives to keep the physically damaged school open. Educators and students of Treca Gimnazija, one of 13 secondary schools destroyed during the siege, tell the stories of their own personal war in the "battle for the mind" and chronicle their shared experience in this book. The book is divided into the following chapters: (1) "On Baking Bread, Building a Palace, and Doing Research on the War Schools of Sarajevo"; (2) "Schooling in Wartime Conditions, April 1992-September 1992"; (3) "The War Schools of Sarajevo, September 1992-March 1993"; (4) "The War Schools of Treca Gimnazija, March 1993-July 1994"; (5) "Treca Gimnazija as a Frontline School, July 1994-April 1996"; and "Epilogue: Pedagogical Patriotism: The Aftermath." (Contains 16 tables, notes on pronunciation and on orthography and terminology, 2 forewords, a preface, maps, and an extensive reference list.) (BT)