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  • Analiza i komparacija neopr...
    Plaza Leutar, Mara; Filipović, Ana Thea

    Bogoslovska smotra, 12/2022, Volume: 92, Issue: 2
    Journal Article, Paper

    U članku se analiziraju i uspoređuju podatci o neopravdanim izostancima s nastave učenika dvanaest katoličkih i dvanaest javnih gimnazija u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 87 odjeljenja prvih gimnazijskih razreda, u kojima je na kraju školske godine 2019./2020. evidentirano 1990 učenika. Ukupno dvanaest katoličkih gimnazija nalazi se u jedanaest gradova i deset županija. U svrhu usporedbe metodom slučajnog odabira uzeto je također dvanaest javnih gimnazija iz referentnih gradova i županija. Istraživanjem se željelo utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika u broju neopravdanih izostanaka s nastave učenika javnih i katoličkih gimnazija te ih povezati s mogućim vrijednosnim usmjerenjem škola i perspektivom logopedagogije. Također je ispitana razlika prema spolu učenika te između županija u kojima se nalaze dotične škole. Rezultati ukazuju na postojanje statistički značajne razlike u broju neopravdanih izostanaka s nastave u korist katoličkih gimnazija. Mladići imaju više neopravdanih izostanaka s nastave nego djevojke u ukupnom uzorku kao i u uzorku učenika javnih gimnazija, dok u katoličkim gimnazijama nije primijećena statistički značajna razlika po spolu. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u broju neopravdanih izostanaka u različitim županijama. Rasprava rezultata u perspektivi logopedagogije nudi novi aspekt istraživanja u odgojno-obrazovnom djelovanju. The article analyses and compares data on unjustified absences of pupils from classes in twelve Catholic and twelve public grammar schools in Croatia. The study involved 87 first-year grammar school classes in which there were 1990 pupils at the end of the 2019/2020 school year. In total twelve Catholic grammar schools are situated in eleven cities and ten regions. For the purpose of comparison by using the method of random selection, twelve public grammar school from these cities and regions were added to the sample. The study aimed at determining whether there is a statistically relevant difference in the number of unjustified absences of pupils from classes in public as opposed to Catholic grammar schools, and, if so, to possibly link the difference to valueprofiles of the two kinds of schools, as well as to the perspective of logopedagogy. The study also took into account the difference in terms of the sex of pupils and in terms of the region in which particular schools is located. The results of the study indicate that there is a statistically relevant difference between the number of unjustified absences of pupils from classes in favour of Catholic grammar schools. Additionally, boys have more unjustified absences than girls in the total sample, as well as in the sample of pupils from public schools, while in Catholic grammar schools there was no statistically relevant difference in terms of the sex of pupils. A statistically relevant difference in the number of unjustified absences between regions has also been shown. The discussion of results in the light of the perspective of logopedagogy offers a new aspect of research to educational-upbringing efforts.