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  • Influence of fly ash or sla...
    He, Jionghuang; Long, Guangcheng; Ma, Kunlin; Xie, Youjun

    Thermochimica acta, July 2021, 2021-07-00, Volume: 701
    Journal Article

    •The influences of FA and SL on the nucleation and growth of cement paste were studied.•FA retards the early hydration of cement at 20℃ due to its hindering nucleation.•SL has stronger seeding effect than FA because it produces more additional C-S-H gel. In this study, isothermal calorimetry and the boundary nucleation and growth model (BNG model) were adopted to investigate the influence of fly ash (FA) and slag (SL) on the nucleation and growth of cement hydrates at early-stage. Afterwards, the mechanism was discussed by analyses of instantaneous activation energy and microtopography. The results show that the hinderance of FA on the early hydration at 20℃ is possibly contributed by the inhibition of nucleation, while SL promotes nucleation at both 20℃ and 60℃. Moreover, it is found that the paste containing FA has the lowest activation energy at early-stage, while the paste containing SL has the highest activation energy, which further indicate that the nucleation of the paste containing FA is more difficult. Besides, the surface microtopography analysis of particles confirm that SL has higher reactivity than FA in paste to generates more additional C-S-H gel to provide stronger seeding effect for producing C-S-H.