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  • RD42 Collaboration; Bäni, L; Alexopoulos, A; Bachmair, F; Bartosik, M; Beck, H; Bellini, V; Belyaev, V; Bes, A; Brom, J. -M; Bruzzi, M; Chiodini, G; Cindro, V; Claus, G; Collot, J; Cumalat, J; Dabrowski, A; D'Alessandro, R; Dauvergne, D; de Boer, W; Dorfer, C; Dünser, M; Eigen, G; Eremin, V; Forneris, J; Gallin-Martel, L; Gallin-Martel, M. -L; Gan, K. K; Gastal, M; Goffe, M; Goldstein, J; Golubev, A; Grigoriev, E; Grosse-Knetter, J; Grummer, A; Guthoff, M; Hiti, B; Hoeferkamp, M; Hofmann, T; Hosselet, J; Hügging, F; Janssen, J; Kagan, H; Kanxheri, K; Kass, R; Kis, M; Kramberger, G; Kuleshov, S; Lacoste, A; Lagomarsino, S; Giudice, A. Lo; Paz, I. López; Lukosi, E; Maazouzi, C; Mandić, I; Mathieu, C; Menichelli, M; Mikuž, M; Moss, J; Mountain, R; Oh, A; Olivero, P; Passeri, D; Pernegger, H; Perrino, R; Picollo, F; Pomorski, M; Potenza, R; Quadt, A; Re, A; Reichmann, M; Becerra, D. A. Sanz; Scaringella, M; Schnetzer, S; Schioppa, E; Sciortino, S; Scorzoni, A; Seidel, S; Servoli, L; Smith, D. S; Sopko, V; Spagnolo, S; Spanier, S; Stenson, K; Stone, R; Stugu, B; Sutera, C; Traeger, M; Trischuk, W; Truccato, M; Tuvè, C; Velthuis, J; Venturi, N; Wagner, S; Wallny, R; Wang, J. C; Wermes, N; Yamouni, M; Zalieckas, J; Zavrtanik, M

    arXiv (Cornell University), 10/2019
    Journal Article

    Diamond is a material in use at many nuclear and high energy facilities due to its inherent radiation tolerance and ease of use. We have characterized detectors based on chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond before and after proton irradiation. We present preliminary results of the spatial resolution of unirradiated and irradiated CVD diamond strip sensors. In addition, we measured the pulse height versus particle rate of unirradiated and irradiated polycrystalline CVD (pCVD) diamond pad detectors up to a particle flux of $20\,\mathrm{MHz/cm^2}$ and a fluence up to $4 \times 10^{15}\,n/\mathrm{cm^2}$.