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  • Doprinos značajki osobnosti...
    Milovčić, Željana; Antičević, Vesna; Ćurković, Ana

    Hrvatski časopis zdravstvenih znanosti, 11/2021, Volume: 1, Issue: 2
    Journal Article, Paper

    Ciljevi rada bili su ispitati učestalost negativnih zdravstvenih ponašanja (konzumiranje alkohola, cigareta i kave) te ispitati povezanost između osobina ličnosti i tjelesne aktivnosti i izraženosti simptoma depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa. METODE: Korišteni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: (a) upitnik općih podataka koji je sadržavao sociodemografska obilježja te pitanja o životnim navikama (konzumiranje alkohola i cigareta); (b) Skala depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa (DASS); (c) Big Five upitnik osobina ličnosti (BFI); (d) Međunarodni upitnik o tjelesnoj aktivnosti (IPAQ). REZULTATI: Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako značajno veći broj studenata ne konzumira cigarete nego što ih konzumira (χ2=10,05, p<0,01), dok najveći broj studenata alkohol konzumira rijetko ili vikendom (χ2=32,93, p<0,001). Kod studenata koji ne konzumiraju alkohol utvrđena je granično viša razina anksioznosti (t=1,63; p=0,053). Rezultati regresijske analize ukazuju na statistički značajan učinak neuroticizma na izraženost simptoma depresivnosti (B=2,52, p<0,001) i anksioznosti (B=3,09 p<0,001) kod studenata. Osobina ličnosti otvorenost prema iskustvima doprinosi većem stresu studenata (B=0,1, p<0,001). Sjedilački način života utječe na pojavu anksioznosti (B=0,001, p<0,05). ZAKLJUČAK: Prema dobivenim rezultatima možemo zaključiti da neuroticizam doprinosi pojavi simptoma anksioznosti i depresivnosti, otvorenost prema iskustvima većem stresu, dok sjedilački način života doprinosi višoj anksioznosti studenata. AIMS: The aims of the study were to examine the frequency of negative health behaviors (alcohol, cigarette and coffee consumption) and to examine association between personality traits and physical activity with the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. METHODS: The following measures were used: (a) a general data questionnaire containing sociodemographic characteristics and questions about unhealthy life habits (alcohol and cigarette consumption); (b) Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS); (c) Big Five Personality Trait Questionnaire (BFI); (d) International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). RESULTS: The results indicated a significantly higher number of students who did not consume cigarettes (χ2=10.05, p<0.01), while the largest number of students consumed alcohol infrequently or on weekends (χ2=32.93, p<0.001). Marginally higher levels of anxiety were found in students who did not consume alcohol (t=1.63; p=0.053). The results of regression analysis indicated a statistically significant effect of neuroticism on the intensity of depressive (B=2.52, p<0.001) and anxiety (B=3.09 p<0.001) symptoms in students. Openness to experiences contributed to higher student stress levels (B=0.1, p<0.001). Sedentary lifestyle affects the occurrence of anxiety (B=0.001, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: According to the obtained results, we can conclude that neuroticism contributes to the appearance of symptoms of anxiety and depression, openness to experiences to higher stress levels, while a sedentary lifestyle contributes to higher anxiety of students.