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Peer reviewed
    Djakovic, Ivka; Ibukic, Amir; Kovacevic, Dujo; Kosec, Vesna

    Acta clinica Croatica (Tisak), 09/2022, Volume: 61, Issue: 3
    Journal Article

    Background: Injury of the rectum with intact anal sphincter is an extremely rare but very serious complication of vaginal delivery. It is also called a "buttonhole" tear. Case: We present two cases of "buttonhole" tear/injury. Results: In one case, the injury was recognized at the time of delivery and adequately treated. In the other case the injury was not diagnosed on time and the patient was treated for complications on the 6th postpartal day. Conclusion: The consequences for the wellbeing of young mothers with perineal injury can be serious and affect social and sexual aspects of their lives. Adequate surgical treatment and postoperative care assure optimal results and prevent long term complications such as fistulas or fecal incontinence. Key words: fourth degree perineal laceration; "buttonhole" tear; perineal injury. Pozadina: Ozljeda rektuma s intaktnim analnim sfinkterom je izrazito rijetka no vrlo ozbiljna komplikacija vaginalnog poroda. To se takoder naziva ,,buttonhole" razdor. Slucaj: Predstavljamo dva slucaja ,,buttonhole" razdora. Rezultati: U jednom je slucaju ozljeda primijecena pri porodu te prikladno zbrinuta. U drugom slucaju ozljeda nije diagnosticirana na vrijeme, pa je pacijent lijecen zbog komplikacija 6. dan nakon poroda. Zakljucak: Posljedice za zdravlje u mladih majki s perianalnom ozljedom mogu biti ozbiljne i utjecati na drustvene i seksualne aspekte njihovih zivota. Primjereno kirursko lijecenje i postoperativna njega osiguravaju optimalne rezultate i sprjecavaju dugorocne komplikacije kao sto su fistule ili fekalna inkontinencija. Kljucne rijeci: ozljeda medice cetvrtog stupnja, "buttonhole" ozljeda rektuma, ozljeda medice