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  • Tonsko snimanje ročišta pre...
    Čizmić, Jozo; Boban, Marija

    Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 01/2019, Volume: 40, Issue: 1
    Journal Article, Paper

    Člankom 98. Novele Zakona o parničnom postupku Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine iz 2015. godine dopunjen je postojeći zakonski tekst novim člancima 375a, 375b. i 375c. kojima se uvodi mogućnost tonskog snimanja ročišta u parničnom postupku. Predloženim člancima regulira se način postupanja suda pri provođenju tonskog snimanja, a svrha je unapređenje učinkovitosti sudskog postupka i veća vjerodostojnost dokaznog postupka. U radu su se autori osvrnuli na: razloge i cilj reguliranja tonskog snimanja ročišta u parničnom postupku, način i postupak donošenje odluke o tonskom snimanju ročišta, pohranu snimljenog tonskog zapisa, izradu prijepisa tonskog zapisa i mogućnost prigovora stranke te druge relevantne propise kojima se uređuje tonsko snimanje sudskih rasprava (Zakon o kaznenom postupku, upute sudova i sudski poslovnik). U zaključku je ukazano na niz problema koji otežavaju i onemogućavaju tonsko snimanje ročišta u parničnom postupku s prijedlozima kako takav način dokumentiranja tvrdnji o činjenicama, iskazima i izjavama sudionika u parničnom postupku učiniti učinkovitijim. According to Article 98 of the Law on Civil Procedure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2015, the existing legal text has been supplemented by the new articles 375a, 375b. and 375c. which introduces the possibility of tone recording of litigation. The proposed articles regulate the manner in which the court proceeds in conducting the tone recording, and their purpose is to improve the efficiency of court proceedings and to increase the credibility of presenting evidence in litigation proceedings. In this paper, the authors referred to: the reasons and aim of regulating the tone recording of litigation, the manner and procedure of making a decision on the tone recording of the hearing, the storage of the recorded tone, the making of the transcript of the tone and the possibility of the party’s objection, other relevant regulations regulating the sound recording (The Criminal Procedure Act, Courts Instructions, Courts rules of procedure), and in conclusion have pointed out a number of issues that make it difficult and disable the tone recording of litigation with suggestions that such a way of documenting factual allegations, statements and statements of litigants in civil proceeding will make more efficient.