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  • BBC Monitoring South Asia, 02/2013

    In the beginning, the leadership of Konar Province, the head of the Konar provincial council and a representative of ISAF forces from Kabul spoke about the killing of innocent people in the air strike in Chogan village of Shegal District. Konar governor Sayed Fazlollah Wahedi and the head of the Konar provincial council, Meya Hasan Adel, provided information about the casualties and said that four key commanders of armed opponents were killed in the air strike by the international forces, but 14 civilians, including children and women, were also martyred and wounded in the attack. The Konar governor, the head of the state delegation and MP Sakhi Moshwani and Meya Hasan Adel, the head of the Konar provincial council, spoke about the tragedy and presidential advisor Shoja-ul Molk Jalala conveyed President Hamed Karzai's condolences to the families of the martyred and wounded, praying for Allah to bestow paradise upon the martyrs and a speedy recovery upon the wounded.