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    ZEIDABADI, Golnoush; MAHMOUDZADEH, Seyed Mojtaba; HEMATI, Marziye

    Acta turistica, 12/2021, Volume: 33, Issue: 2
    Journal Article, Web Resource

    Ovo istraživanje ima za cilj izmjeriti percepciju razine zagušenja turistima i utvrditi prioritete kod odabira strategije demarketinga u iranskom gradu Kashanu. U ovom primijenjenom istraživanju, nakon pregleda literature i odabira elemenata te dimenzija strategija demarketinga, provedene su ankete sudionika (vodiči, stanovnici, gradske vlasti i znanstvenici u području turizma) i polustrukturirani intervjui. Rezultati pokazuju da je percipirano zagušenje turistima u Kashanu na rubu prihvatnog kapaciteta. Za vlast je čimbenik osoblje najviše rangiran među elementima marketinškog spleta, a slijede ga cijena, promocija, proces, fizički dokaz, proizvod i mjesto. Znanstvenici također smatraju da je osoblje na prvom mjestu, a slijede ga cijena, mjesto, proces, proizvod i fizički dokazi. Na demarketing glavne turističke destinacje Irana, Kashana, čini se da su najveći utjecaj također imali osoblje i kooperativni čimbenik. This study aims to measure the perception of tourist congestion and prioritize demarketing strategies in the city of Kashan. In this applied-survey research, after reviewing the literature and extracting elements and dimensions of demarketing strategies, using a questionnaire and semi-structured interview, the ideas of the participants (tour guides, local people, city authorities, tourism academics) were investigated. The results show that the perceived tourist congestion in Kashan is at its carrying capacity threshold. The authorities deem that ‘personnel’ factor (among P7s) is ranked at the top, followed by ‘price’, ‘promotion’, ‘process’, ‘physical evidence’, ‘product’, and ‘place’. The academics also see ‘personnel’ as most prominent, before ‘price’, ‘place’, ‘process’, ‘product’, and ‘physical evidence’. As for demarketing of Iran’s major tourist destination, ‘personnel’ and cooperative factor seem to different sectors for demand management seemed to have the highest influence on.