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  • BBC Monitoring European, 10/2011

    "It is entirely unreasonable that Ante Gotovina is sentenced to 24 years based on a finding of unlawful attack on civilians through shelling where there are no identified shelling victims," reads the defence brief submitted on September 30 and made public by the ICTY on Monday. Gotovina's defence maintains that in its judgement the trial chamber made no finding of any civilian deaths or injuries from shelling and that no civilian was identified claiming to have been terrorised by, or left Croatia because of, any projectile fired into what the chamber describes as "civilian areas". "The Respondent's Brief is further undermined by the failure to address the critical Chamber finding that 'at the orders of Gotovina and (his artillery commander Marko) Rajcic, the HV (Croatian Army) fired artillery projectiles deliberately targeting previously identified military targets'," in four towns because that finding is irreconcilable with the finding that "whole towns were treated as targets", reads the defence reply brief.