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  • 楊雅涵; YANG, YA-HAN


    碩士 國立高雄大學 土木與環境工程學系碩士班 104 Energy structure plays a key role in the development of nations and energy supply related to nation’s safety, consumption, manufacture and environmental impact. Otherwise, people acceptance of energy also is a consideration in policy decision. Under the consideration of economic, environment and public opinion, making an optimum energy structure must be an importance issue for government. In Taiwan, 90% energy used is depending on fossil fuel, in which 97.8% was imported from aboard in 2014. It still keep 3.84% growth rate in annual energy consumption. The short of own energy and the responsibility of greenhouse gas reduction have caused the action of looking for the available alternative energy. However, using energy also cause water consumption problems, particularly in Taiwan, where is one-fifth of the world average and recognized as a relatively poor area of water resources by United Nations. Therefore, in this reasearch, a compromise programming optimization model was built fir