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  • Popović-Petrović Ivana


    International trade, especially during the second half of the 20th century, has played an essential role in many countries` development process as well as in increasing their competitiveness in the world market. Development process is a precondition for fostering economic growth and for many developing countries, it is important since it affect the reduction of poverty. Despite such an essential role, international trade was limited by a large number of tariff and non-tariff barriers during the last century. Today, some of these non-tariff barriers have become „less visible" and they have emerged as a consequence of insufficiently efficient and effective work of customs administrations as well as other border administration necessary for making foreign trade transactions. Consequently, their implementation has incurred high transaction costs which reduce international trade. These barriers are called administrative procedural non-tariff barriers and although new Agreement on Trade Facilitation is under way, after WTO Draft Consolidated Negotiating Text on Trade Facilitation has been announced, they are still not regulated at a multilateral level. Trade Facilitation is related to many policies under negotiation at the WTO and the aim of that initiative is to facilitate trade expansion, reduce trade transaction costs as well as to streamline of clearance procedures and meet new international security requirements. Infrastructure development which consists of transport and trade infrastructure, also known as "hard" and "soft" infrastructure, has in last few decades been a major factor in reducing trade transaction costs thus diminishing the administrative procedural nontariff barriers impact on international trade. The process of improving trade infrastructure is called Trade Capacity Building. This complex process is related to the modernization of customs administration all around the world, especially in the Developing countires. A lack of funds for that purpose has motivated the launch of the new programme, the Aid for Trade. The Aid for Trade is an inititative developed as a multilateral project under the auspices of WTO, with the aim to help developing countires, especially the Least developed of them, to build the trade capacity which is necessary for their taking full advantage of trade liberalization benefits. Its implementation is connected with regional aid initiatives in the area of trade. The aim of this thesis is to point out the ever-increasing role of administrative barriers in international trade. In addition, the thesis establishes an array of barriers which participants in international trade may encounter, taking into account that these barriers have been classified and their use scientifically demonstrated with a special consideration of developmental aspect of international trade. It has also been shown that their impact can be diminished provided there is a trading capacity, especially in the countries in which trading and transportation capacities are insufficiently developed. This research deals with the representative examples of Developed as well as Developing and Transitional countries, among which is Serbia, treated as case studies. The justification for this research we find in the initial hypothesis that administrative barriers represent the most restrictive area among non-tariff barriers not yet being regulated on a multilateral level. It has been shown that it is possible to diminish the impact of these barriers on ongoing trade if Trade Transaction Costs are reduced and these conditions will, in particular, pave the way for Developing countries provided that they are enabled a faster development of trading capacities than the development they can finance independently. Investments in the development of transportation capacities would certainly result in better exportation performance of Developing countries. However, the amount of investments is a limiting factor and, as a consequence, only modest investments in the development of trading capacities are possible, i.e. predominantly investing in - soft infrastructure, which is also expected to have a positive influence on export performance. Scientific research methods used in this thesis have been determined by its subject matter and its aim. Analysis, synthesis and generalization have been used as methods of research. Considering a different position Developing countries hold in relation to Developed countries, in this area, we start from specific cases in order to reach a general assessment and gain an insight into the common features, which was possible to achieve by using induction method. In order to process the examples from Serbia, a method of deduction has been used, based on our previous knowledge in this area. Gathering data necessary for this research has been completed using desk research. In order to reach conclusions, we have used quantitative data available from previous research, Methodology of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development which involves using Logistic Performance Index as well as indicators from the study -Doing Business, World Economic Forum indexes such as the Enabling Trade Index and also the results of a number of gravity models which have shown the influence of administrative barriers on the process of facilitating international trade. In addition, standard statistical methods have been used, such as the method of sampling, as well as some more complex ones, such as correlation and regression. The contribution of this thesis is to pinpoint a specific group of insufficiently research non-tariff barriers, considering that their use has been significantly intensified over the course of the last twenty years. Bearing in mind the fact that Serbia is not yet a member of WTO as well as our expectations to become one in the near future, new possibilities are opening up for Serbia to take a more active part in multilateral negotiations which refer to the remaining group of non-tariff barriers. This is of great importance because the other types of non-tariff barriers have already been regulated on a multilateral level, but without the participation of Serbia. Tokom druge polovine 20. veka, uloga međunarodne trgovine je bila od sustinskog značaja za odvijanje razvojnog procesa u mnogim zemljama, kao i povećanja njihove konkurentnosti na svetskom tržištu. Razvojni proces je uslov za ostvarenje privrednog rasta, a u slučaju mnogih Zemalja u razvoju, bitan je zbog uticaja na smanjenje siromaštva. Bez obzira na tako značajnu ulogu, međunarodna trgovina je tokom prošlog veka bila ograničavana velikim brojem barijera i to u obliku carina, ali i necarinskih barijera. U savremenom periodu, neke od necarinskih barijera postale su "manje vidljive", a nastale su kao posledica nedovoljno efikasnog i nedovoljno efektivnog rada carinske službe i ostalih, sa njihovim radom povezanih službi značajnih za realizaciju spoljnotrgovinskih poslova. Kao posledica njihovog delovanja, nastajali su visoki transakcioni troškovi trgovine, koji utiču na smanjenje obima i vrednosti međunarodne trgovine. Te barijere su administrativne proceduralne necarinske barijere, čija upotreba još uvek nije regulisana na multilateralnom nivou, mada se očekuje donošenje Sporazuma o olakšavanju međunarodne trgovine, nakon što je obelodanjen Nacrt budućeg sporazuma o olakšavanju međunarodne trgovine. Olakšavanje međunarodne trgovine se odnosi na više oblasti o kojima se pregovara pod okriljem WTO, a cilj same inicijative je da se omogući rast međunarodne trgovine, da se snize transakcioni troškovi trgovine, a uključuje i unapređenje vođenja carinskih postupaka, kao i prilagođavanje novim zahtevima za ostvarenjem principa bezbednosti ustanovljenim na međunarodnom nivou. Razvoj transportne i trgovinske infrastrukture, poznate i pod pojmom "tvrde" i "meke" infrastrukture tokom poslednjih decenija najviše utiče na smanjenje transakcionih troškova trgovine, čime se smanjuje uticaj administrativnih proceduralnih necarinskih barijera na međunarodnu trgovinu. Sam proces izgradnje trgovinske infrastrukture naziva se izgradnja trgovinskog kapaciteta. Ovaj kompleksni proces povezan je sa modernizacijom rada carinske službe, širom sveta, a naročito u Zemljama u razvoju. Nedostatak neophodnih sredstava bio je osnovni razlog pokretanja novog Programa pomoći za razvoj međunarodne trgovine. Taj Program je zapravo inicijativa koja se kao multilateralan projekat razvila pod okriljem Svetske trgovinske organizacije, a sa ciljem da se pruži pomoć Zemljama u razvoju, a naročito najmanje razvijenim među njima, kako bi mogle da izgrade neophodan trgovinski kapacitet, da bi mogle da ostvare korist od procesa liberalizacije međunarodne trgovine. Primena Programa povezana je sa regionalnim programima za razvoj međunarodne trgovine. Cilj ovog rada jeste ukazivanje na rastuću ulogu administrativnih barijera u međunarodnoj trgovini. Pored toga, u radu je pokazano na koje vrste ovih barijera mogu naići učesnici u spoljnotrgovinskom poslovanju, s obzirom da je izvršeno klasifikovanje ovih barijera i naučno prikazana njihova primena, sa posebnim osvrtom na razvojnu dimenziju međunarodne trgovine. Pokazano je i da se njihov uticaj može smanjiti ukoliko se izgradi trgovinski kapacitet, naročito u zemljama koje nemaju dovoljan stepen razvijenosti trgovinskog kapaciteta, kao i transportnog kapaciteta. Predmet istraživanja su reprezentativni primeri zemalja, obrađeni u vidu studija slučaja, kako Razvijenih, tako i Zemalja u razvoju i Zemalja u tranziciji, među kojima se nalazi i Srbija. Opravdanost istraživanja nalazimo u polaznoj hipotezi da su administrativne barijere najrestriktivniji deo necarinskih barijera i da još nisu regulisane na multilateralnom nivou. Pokazano je da je smanjenje uticaja ovih barijera na odvijanje trgovinskih tokova ostvarivo ukoliko se smanje transakcioni troškovi trgovine, a naročito će to biti omogućeno Zemljama u razvoju, ukoliko im se omogući