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Impact factor for journal Annee Psychologique in year 2022

Year 2022
Journal title Annee Psychologique
ISSN 0003-5033
Impact factor 1.132

Social Science Edition (SSE) rankings

1201 3200
Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) Psychology (all)
Rank 128/369 76/212
Quarter 2 2
IFx 1.011 1.263
IFmax of 1st quarter 5.538 20.178
IFmin of 1st quarter 1.425 1.403
IFmax of 2nd quarter 1.394 1.391
IFmin of 2nd quarter 0.864 0.919
IFmax of 3rd quarter 0.859 0.913
IFmin of 3rd quarter 0.388 0.492
IFmax of 4th quarter 0.387 0.485
IFmin of 4th quarter 0.004 0.071
ID=435387 Created 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2022cAnnee Psychologiqueh386i24j1.132
120 f0003-5033
200 e0003-5033
400 c1201dArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)u128/369x1.011y0.864z1.3940215.53821.42531.39440.86450.85960.38870.38780.004
400 c3200dPsychology (all)u76/212x1.263y0.919z1.39102120.17821.40331.39140.91950.91360.49270.48580.071