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No. Journal title Year ISSN Impact factor
1. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2022 1079-2082/1535-2900 1.133
2. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2022 0002-9459/1553-6467 1.332
3. Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research 2022 2182-2360/2182-2379 0.072
4. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 2022 0008-4123/1920-2903 0.519
5. Canadian Pharmacists Journal 2022 1715-1635 0.484
6. Clinical Pharmacist 2022 1758-9061 0.214
7. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 2022 1877-1297 0.758
8. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2022 2385-409X 0.012
9. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 2022 2047-9956/2047-9964 0.742
10. European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2022 0964-4679/1740-6277 0.313
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