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MF, Centralna medicinska knjižnica, Ljubljana (CMK)
Poletni urnik (1.7. do 31.8.2024): ponedeljek do četrtek: 9.00-15.00, petek: 9.00-13.00.
26.7., 15.8. in 16.8. 2024 bo knjižnica ZAPRTA.
  • Ocena lastnega zdravja študentov Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
    Krokter Kogoj, Tina
    Background. Several studies from abroad report health of medical and dental students is not the best. In the most part this finding goes for mental health, because depression, anxiety, burnout and ... abuse of psychoactive substances are more prevalent among medical and dental students than among thegeneral population. Naturally, students whose health is not optimal cannot function to their best ability and so might not benefit from their education as much as would be desirable. Aim. With the aim of expanding the knowledge ofhealth of Slovenian medical and dental students, this study's goal was to measure and compare general health, physical, mental and social health as wellas burnout and stress in medical and dental students in Slovenia. With theaim of contributing towards better health of medical and dental students inSlovenia, my goal was also to propose a rough draft of changes that could bemade in order to better the health of these students. Hypotheses. Before setting ouz to research, I formulated some hypotheses. (1) Students of MedicalFaculty of University of Ljubljana (MF UL) estimate their general health as worse in comparison with similarly aged Slovenian general populationand (2) have worse physical, mental and social health than similarlyaged Slovenian general population. (3) First year students of MF UL have better physical health than older students. (4) Older students of MF UL have worse mental and social health than first-year students. (5) The worse the students of MF UL handle everyday studies-related stress, the higher theirscores on Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) are. (6) Students of MF UL, who score high on OLBI questionnaire, perceive their health as worse than students who score lower on OLBI. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
    Vrsta gradiva - raziskovalno poročilo ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Založništvo in izdelava - Ljubljana : [T.Krokter Kogoj], 2008
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 25556697

Signatura – lokacija, inventarna št. ... Status izvoda Rezervacija
Prešernove naloge
KROKTER Kogoj T. Ocena
IN: 020090222
Prešernove naloge
KROKTER Kogoj T. Ocena
IN: 020090222
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