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Kolektiv Miklošičeve knjižnice - FPNM
  • Harvestmen (Opiliones) in human settlements of Slovenia
    Novak, Tone, 1950- ...
    Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) in human settlements of Slovenia were investigated examining opilionid collections deposited in Slovenia, and additional intensive investigations in 29 bigger urban ... centres. Altogether, data from 58 towns and villages have been treated. So far, 42 of 65 species and subspecies living in Slovenia have been found in the urban centres. Phalangium opilio and Nelima semproni have been found in every second, and Opilio saxatilis, Leiobunum rotundum, Trogulus nepaeformis s. l., Opilio parietinus and Nemastoma bidentatum sparsum in 20-40 % of settlements. There are three reasons for the relatively high number of harvestman species inhabiting towns and villages of Slovenia. First, the settlements are relatively small and closely connected with neughbouring non-urban regions. Second, some primary habitats in settlements have not been destroyed either physically or chemically, thus the indigenous species live there continuously. Third, many secondary habitats are approproate for inhabitation by some species. In respect to their origin, autochtonous and introduced species occur in human settlements. Probably all opilionid synanthropic species sensu lato are the landscape-cultivationfollowers ("Kulturfolger" sensu Povolný 1963), symbiotic with mankind for ethological and ecological reasons. In settlements, petrophily is the predominant characteristic of these species, being either thermophile or frigophile. Probably only Opilio parietinus can be treated as synanthropic sensu Povolný (1963) meaning a spontaneous membership in an anthropobiocenosis. The indigenous edaphic and some epigean species represent residues of primary ecosystems. In antropogenic habitats, their high species number reflects both moderate ohysical and chemical destruction of primary habitats in the past in most Slovenian towns. Opilio canestrinii has for the first time been recorded in Slovenia
    Vir: Acta entomologica slovenica. - ISSN 1318-1998 (Vol. 10, no. 2, dec. 2002, str. 131-154)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2002
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 264693

vir: Acta entomologica slovenica. - ISSN 1318-1998 (Vol. 10, no. 2, dec. 2002, str. 131-154)

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