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JESENSKI DELOVNI ČAS (od 26. 8. 2024 do 27. 9. 2024)
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Knjižnica bo izjemoma zaprta v torek, 24. 9. 2024.
  • Decent work in the digital age : European and comparative perspectives
    "This book explores the legal and practical implications of the digital age for employment and industrial relations. To that end, the book analyses the problems arising from the digitalisation of ... work and the negative effects on working conditions in fields such as platform work, robotisation, discrimination, data protection, and freedom of speech. It also looks at how to ensure decent working conditions for workers affected by digitalisation, by investigating the minimum standards that should be ensured to mitigate negative effects - and how these could be best guaranteed by legislation and collective bargaining. The book presents a theoretical framework on the impact of automatisation, robotics, and digitalisation on the very basic principles of individual and collective labour law. The chapters provide an in-depth analysis of new patterns of work prompted by digitalisation, including: classification of platform workers; recognition of employment and social security rights; competition law aspects of platform work; remote (tele)work arrangements; algorithmic decision-making and remote surveillance; data protection and privacy; and social media in working environments. The book is an important reference for academics and researchers, social partners, and policy makers with an interest in labour law and industrial relations"--
    Vrsta gradiva - znanstvena monografija
    Založništvo in izdelava - Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2022
    Jezik - angleški
    ISBN - 978-1-5099-5823-8; 978-1-5099-5827-6; 978-1-5099-5825-2; 978-1-5099-5824-5
    COBISS.SI-ID - 133469699

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Pravna fakulteta, Ljubljana
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 1 mes.
Signatura – lokacija, inventarna št. ... Status izvoda
Prosti pristop
IN: 0144077
Prosti pristop
IN: 0144077
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 1 mes.
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