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JESENSKI DELOVNI ČAS (od 26. 8. 2024 do 27. 9. 2024)
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Knjižnica bo izjemoma zaprta v torek, 24. 9. 2024.
  • The jury : a very short introduction
    Lerner, Renée Lettow
    I owe a great debt to the many jurors, judges, lawyers, trial consultants, historians, and academics around the world from whom I have had the pleasure of learning about the jury. Traci Emerson ... Spackey of the George Washington University Law Library provided extraordinarily creative and effective help in locating images and other sources. Clifford Ando gave valuable recommendations about sources for the ancient world, and Daniela Cammack kindly provided drafts of her now-published article about Athenian juries. Trial lawyer Bobby Burchfield generously gave detailed and deeply knowledgeable comments on the manuscript. Karen Wahl provided expert assistance locating sources. I thank Morgan Reinhardt for allowing me to use her research on jury forepersons, and Anna Offit, her law professor, for guiding me to her and for comparative work on juries. Anna Caraveli and Jonathan Chaves, my colleague at George Washington University, made important suggestions and pointed out places in which non-lawyers needed further explanation of legal concepts. My daughter Anna Lerner provided the perspective of a younger reader and gently let her mother know where improvements would be helpful. For decades, John Langbein has been a constant source of insight about juries. I am grateful to Akhil Amar for first sparking, and then encouraging, my interest in the subject, and for his vibrant work. My husband Craig Lerner gave unceasing encouragement and invaluable advice.
    Vrsta gradiva - knjiga ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Založništvo in izdelava - New York : Oxford University Press, 2023
    Jezik - angleški
    ISBN - 978-0-19-092391-4
    COBISS.SI-ID - 189146627

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Pravna fakulteta, Ljubljana
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 1 mes.
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IN: 0145094
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IN: 0145094
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 1 mes.
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