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Pravna fakulteta, Ljubljana (PRFLJ)
JESENSKI DELOVNI ČAS (od 26. 8. 2024 do 27. 9. 2024)
Knjižnica bo odprta od ponedeljka do četrtka od 8.00 do 18.00 in ob petkih od 8.00 do 14.00.
Knjižnica bo izjemoma zaprta v torek, 24. 9. 2024.
  • Changing families, changing family law in Europe
    This book's contributions display a fragmented situation across the European continent. In some areas the developments are marked by a clear divergence between Western and Eastern European ... jurisdictions. These differences between Eastern and Western European perceptions of family and gender identity have a tremendous symbolic and political importance and undermine efforts to harmonize (international) family law within Europe. Nevertheless, these differences should not be overstated, to avoid deepening the existing rifts even further. Instead, this book highlights ways of overcoming divergences through exploring conflict of laws, international civil procedure, human rights jurisprudence and even harmonized substantive family law
    Vrsta gradiva - knjiga ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Založništvo in izdelava - Cambridge ; Antwerp ; Chicago : Intersentia, 2024
    Jezik - angleški
    ISBN - 978-1-83970-380-5
    COBISS.SI-ID - 190727427

Rezervirajte gradivo na želenem mestu prevzema.

Mesto prevzema Status gradiva Rezervacija
Pravna fakulteta, Ljubljana
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 1 mes.
Signatura – lokacija, inventarna št. ... Status izvoda
Prosti pristop
PC CHANGING families
IN: 0145150
Prosti pristop
PC CHANGING families
IN: 0145150
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 1 mes.
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