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  • Programsko orodje za analizo uporabe sončne energije v stavbah v okolju WWW = [Programme tools for analysis of solar energy use in the WWW environment]
    Medved, Sašo ; Nadarević, Dijana ; Novak, Peter, 1937-2022
    We elaborated the EEcad programme tools which enable the quantitative and qualitative assessment of technologies for efficient energy and material use in buildings. By means of these tools it is ... possible to analyse passive and active solar systems, photovoltaic systems and systems for rainwater collection and portable water substitution. Energy design of buildings can be checked by several criteria. By application of our tools we perform the assessment with the energy number which joins both the heat losses and heat gains of the interior sources and the sun. The energy and ecology number includes the following parameters: energy number determined without interior gains & this number gives the assessment of energy consumed for the heating of buildings; CO2 emission as the universal ecological parameter & it gives the assessment of ecological quality of used fossil fuel; medium heat transfer coefficient of the building & gives the assessment of the quality of heat protection and windows; share of heating the building by sun as the criterion of "a building's solarisation"; share of heating water by sun; assessment of the rainwater collection system as an additional ecological parameter. The selected parameters and marking are determined on the basis of numerous analyses of measures taken in the energy saving buildings.
    Vir: Bioklimatske zgradbe = Bioclimatic buildings. - ISSN 1580-6731 (Letn. 5, [1], jun. 2001, str. 45-48)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2001
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 4554267